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  • pdillon809


    Thanks for the support guys. The directory structure advice worked. Note: The BP template files are still picked up if you put them in the root of the child theme – think that’s what threw me. Perhaps that could be changed at some point.

    your page is fine. For complete noobs (like me) see instructions below:

    CSS changes:
    Make all changes in style.css in child theme. This overrides both the main theme and BuddyPress CSS styles.

    HTML/PHP changes:
    Create a directory called buddypress in child theme. Copy any files that need editing from ../wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress to this new directory. You must keep the directory structure but you only need copy over files that need editing. For example, if you need to edit../member/index.php the folder “member” needs to exist in childtheme/buddypress.

    The above worked for me in this environment:
    A child theme of a third party theme (Elegant Themes) * BuddyPress 1.7 beta 2. (no template pack)

    BuddyPress 1.7 worked right out of the box with the Evolution theme by Elegant Themes with NO tweaks needed



    I agree with @bphelp – child themes are the best option. I’ve been using child themes to make changes to main themes but I’m not yet able to understand how to achieve this with BuddyPress. I have read @hnla ‘s document but the instructions are not clear (at least to me).

    I think the issue is lack of a header file but that’s not mentioned in the guide. The pages load but without ANY styles. The registration page has a header but not activity. Activity page begins with div id=”buddypress” and has no footer either. I’m sure this is easy to fix but I want to use the recommended method.

    Is there a document that clearly states the files required in the child theme? I have copied ALL the files from the legacy folder but @hnla ‘s document appears to state that only the files that require editing need copying (so long as the directory structure is maintained)

    Sorry for not “getting” this – I’ve tried doing the research but it’s never clear whether the instructions relate to 1.7 or the “quite” different previous versions.

    A list of the contents of the child-theme folder are listed below:

    activity (taken from ../bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/)
    blogs (taken from ../bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/)
    css (taken from ../bp-templates/bp-legacy)
    forums (taken from ../bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/)
    functions.php (contains a couple of functions – created by me and not bp related)
    groups (taken from ../bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/)
    members (taken from ../bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/)
    registration (taken from ../bp-themes/bp-default)
    rtl.css (empty of rules)
    shortcodes_bp.php (couple of shortcodes – created by me and not bp related)
    style.css (child theme required file)



    I’m using 1.7 beta 2 and the client wants to make some changes to the profile page. I’m using a child theme of Evolution (Elegant Themes). I can see that style.css in the child folder will affect the Buddypress styling but I’m going to need more customization.

    Aside from the actual template file that I’m tweaking, what else needs to be in the child folder?

    For example, if I copy /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/registration/ folder into the child theme – it’s not formatted the same as the original. I’m not sure whether this register.php is the same one being used from the main buddypress plugin folder or whether there are some files missing from that I should place in the child theme?

    I see that @bphelp suggests copying the contents of /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress into the child theme root. Not sure whether the registration page would be affected by this.

    Is there child theme docs specific to 1.7 – I know there are big changes from 1.6 to 1.7 as far as theme compatibility is concerned and most of the info on Google is probably out of date.



    Yes, this appears to have fixed the issue and is exactly what I’m looking for. Totally cool!

    Many thanks.



    Thanks @bphelp

    This sounds like exactly what I’m looking for.

    I must have done something wrong, though, as I can still access Buddypress whilst logged out.

    I downloaded the zip from your repository, installed and activated. Are there more steps?

    I’m at if you need to check.




    Thanks @mercime

    I’m pleased that the latest versions install so easily.

    What I don’t understand is why a user sees no groups or Forums when accessing them through the BuddyPress menus The Forums are all but useless when accessed this way.

    domainnane/forums seems to be useful
    domainnane/members/membername/forums/ does not seem to be useful
    Ditto groups

    Obviously, I’m missing something or failing to understand the bbPress/BuddyPress Intergration. Then again, groups are nothing to do with bbPress so I’m very confused.



    Ok, new default installation following the latest instructions for for bbPress 2.3 beta 2 and BuddyPress 1.7 beta 1 to create sitewide forums.

    I guess the only issue I have is one of understanding the logic behind accessing the Forums or Group sections from the main menu as opposed to the admin bar menu or BuddyPress menus (under the avatar).

    Main menu takes the user to domainname/forums or domainname/groups
    (Here you can create, see listing of Forums etc, create a topic in these Forums.

    Whereas the admin bar links to domainname/members/username/forums/ or domainname/members/username/groups does not display Forum list – does not allow for creating new topics. Groups appear to work the same way.

    So, from within the “BuddyPress” menuing (by this I mean the admin bar dropdown and/or the Buddypress menus underneath the user’s avatar) the Forum and Groups menu do little except allow you to see topics that you have contributed to.

    The clean install is at:

    Is what I have described the way BuddyPress Forums and Groups are supposed to work or is there some configuration error on my part?




    thanks @mercime

    I’ll start again with a fresh install



    Thanks Paul.

    Do I disable anything in BuddyPress or just install bbPress? Currently, there are forums under “Groups”.



    Thanks. I replied in that thread.

    Many thanks. Issue resolved.




    Thanks. I opted for option 2. For the benefit of others, here’s what I did.

    (This was a new install)

    Deactivated and deleted BP and BP compatibility opting to remove files.
    Removed BP folders from child theme and header-bubbypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php. Thus making a clean start.

    Installed new BP beta.

    Theme worked perfectly without any tweaking. So far no issues.

    Many thanks.



    I have two questions.

    I’m using a child theme of Evolution and put all the 6 folders and sidebar-buddypress.php header-buddypress.php in the Child theme folder – it seems to work but is this the best practice?

    Also, what’s the purpose of the “jQuery(document).” stuff at the bottom of sidebar-buddypress.php? If I copy your code as is, I see the text starting with jQuery(document). actually on the pages. Shouldn’t there be some pointy bracket stuff before jQuery(document).

    Sorry for the lay terms, I’m not a programmer.

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