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  • Peter Anselmo


    Wait, so is there an error being thrown by group docs? I know someone who would be able to fix that if it’s the case ;-)

    Peter Anselmo


    The Group Documents plugin could be forked pretty easily to become user documents. I mean, you gotta know PHP, and you’d have to change a bunch of stuff, but the changes would be pretty straightforward.

    Alternately, you could probably just extend the plugin as is with a few well-placed action hooks. It already records the user uploading the document. All you would really have to do is change the menu to show up on the user page, and feed it a dummy group id. There may be other hitches, but there’s probably enough shared code to justify consideration.

    Peter Anselmo




    is_site_admin() is a buddypress function (defined in bp-core-wpabstraction.php) that is being called by Group Documents. This will throw an error if group documents remains activated after you de-activate Buddypress. Although this error will be fixed in the next version of Group Docs, in general, you should deactivate Buddypress plugins before deactivating Buddypress itself

    Peter Anselmo


    Hi Greg,

    Thanks for giving the plugin a whirl. There are a few known issues I’m working on, however this sounds new to me. Can you give a few more details? Is that a PHP error? A message displayed on page? And is this when trying to upload a new doc? – or when trying to download an existing doc?


    Peter Anselmo


    Just Found this, Could be a springboard

    Peter Anselmo


    Personally, I think it’s different enough from current group docs to merit it’s own plugin. My plugin is more geared to locally-created documents of all types, and people are mostly using it to share existing PDFs. I should actually broaden the marketing of my plugin some, because it can be used for all types of media.

    My primary concern with adapting the current Group Docs to use Google would be keeping a consistent user-interface while browsing both. Or making the UI different enough that people don’t get confused. I think it’d be tough, and I don’t see many people using both. I imagine most users would want one or the other.

    Great idea though, I’d love to pitch in if someone wants to get the ball rolling.

    Peter Anselmo



    Just figured out the duplication problem – 1.2 uses the activity stream’s ‘action’ field for what used to be in the ‘content’ field. I’ve updated my activity posts to reflect the new standard, and that fixed the problem. I’ll have an update out in the next few days, once I debug the new document folder.


    No Seriously, anyone reading this: go download wp-content/plugins/buddypress-group-documents/documents and make a copy of it.

    The next version of the plugin will use the main uploads folder (for this very reason), but using the 1-click update will delete all of your documents. You’ll need to re-upload them if this happens.

    Peter Anselmo


    Neo –

    It’s line 70 in activity.php

    Deleting this line:'recorded_time' => time(), // Optional completely will solve the 10 year problem. What I haven’t figured out is why the activity meta is being duplicated.

    Peter Anselmo


    In my plugin’s case it’s something more drastic. I was using UNIX Timestamp function instead of a MySQL DateTime one (Whoops!). Upon insert, it was getting converted to 0000-00-00 00:00:00. Thus, since it’s now 2010, the date was just over 10 years old (which is a little Y2Kish, as it should be 2010 years old). However, I haven’t figured out why things are being shown twice.

    Peter Anselmo


    I can confirm this behavior with a completely different group extension plugin. The page still works, but there are two slashes before the specific page.

    Peter Anselmo



    Your post was actually a big help. I downloaded your activity plugin, and found out what my problem was:

    I was using:


    What I needed:


    I see from your comments you may have run into a similar issue. Thanks again.

    Peter Anselmo


    Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    Peter Anselmo



    Thanks for giving my plugin a whirl.

    This is a good catch. I’ve been able to reproduce this and I’m looking into it. I’ll get back to you shortly.


    Peter Anselmo


    @ray, I didn’t think of the administrative standpoint, I can see how that would be useful. Only for observation though – moving documents around by hand will just create broken links.

    Using the group id would be easier and faster than using the group slug anyway, as the group id is stored in the database with each document and can be pulled in the same query.

    Peter Anselmo


    Group Documents – Huzzah!

    Although, this thread seems a little redundant – isn’t this the purpose of the “compatible up to” field? Maybe what we really need is for the WP plugins search to have a version filter.

    Peter Anselmo


    Can’t speak for everyone, but If you’re interested in developing plugins, I would suggest diving into PHP first. There’s plenty of good PHP books out there; personally, I’d recommend books published by O’Reilley.

    Then, in lieu of the existence of good buddypress-specific books, you can learn a lot by looking at existing plugins and the codex.

    Peter Anselmo


    Are people using or accessing the files directly? I guess what I’m asking is: do we want additional file heirarchy for aesthetics and portability? Or for performance?

    From a performance standpoint, I would think the ideal files/folder ratio would be much higher than 20-30. I could be wrong; I haven’t run any tests.

    I’m leaning toward folders for the group level. But really, to make an informed decision, I’d like to know how people are using the plugin. For my client, It’s just 3-5 PDFs per group. With such a low volume, I didn’t anticipate the need for much heirarchy.

    Peter Anselmo


    @Dwenaus – The next version will have a way to easily override the the default document folder by simply using a DEFINE statement in your bp-config.php. I’ve thought about putting files in sub-folders for groups, but didn’t envision most people benefiting from the hierarchy. I’m open to suggestions though – How many files are too much for one folder? 500? 10,000? 100,000?

    @nzde & @pjnu – I’ve been able to replicate the error, and should have a fix out in the next few days. It showed up somewhere between 1.2-rare and 1.2 rc2.

    Peter Anselmo


    1. The main navigation is hard-coded into ‘header.php’. I don’t know of way to rearrange the order other than modifying that file itself.

    2. There’s a great article about changing strings here:

    That being said, while your modifying the order in ‘header.php’ you can just change the strings there.

    3. Not that I know of, although I haven’t thoroughly investigated.

    Peter Anselmo


    On the 2nd, Andy worked on this by trimming all whitespace from newly entered values. You can see the changes here:

    I tested this on, and yes, it does keep the problem from happening for new members. There are two outstanding issues with this however.

    1. It silently trims the whitespace, so you have no way of knowing that your username is not what you entered. At a minimum, it should send you an updated username with the confirmation email. Only after looking at the site activity, and seeing my username with the space trimmed, did I realize why I wasn’t able to log in.

    2. It doesn’t help any of the existing users with spaces in their names (such as myself on this forum).

    Admittedly, this is a tough problem to solve for existing users, but yes, AFIK, it is still unsolved.

    Peter Anselmo


    This may or may not be your problem, but Buddypress has some issues with spaces in names. Try clicking on the right of this post to view my profile. It uses my actual name “Peter Anselmo” instead of my username “peter-anselmo”. It won’t work. Fun.

    Peter Anselmo


    Yeah, the command line conversion is a barrier for a lot of people, as they either don’t have command line access, or if they do, gettext is not installed on the server.

    You can find some alternate ways to generate .mo files here:

    Also, there is no bp-custom.php file by default. You just create it as a new file, and put it directly in the plugins folder. BuddyPress will automatically check there for it.

    Yeah, it’s a bit of work to change strings, but anything simpler would likely not be upgrade-proof, or would be much slower.

    Peter Anselmo


    You should be able to use any text editor to make changes. You just have to be sure to duplicate the string on the “msgstr” line, and only change the duplicate.

    Check out this article:

    Peter Anselmo


    Hi Zastrow,

    As far as I know there’s not an explicit way to edit the links from the admin site.

    Just to be clear, if you don’t use Forums and Groups, disabling them BuddyPress ‘components setup’ page will automatically remove them from the user menus.

    I’m not sure how comfortable you are with theme modification, but for more fine-tuning (including adding pages), you can create a simple child theme and in the functions.php file create actions to modify the menus. You action might look like this:

    function mytheme_add_top_pages() {
    wp_list_pages( 'title_li=&depth=1');

    Please, note, I have not tested the above function!

    Peter Anselmo


    Mark – Thanks for catching that error! I made some function tweaks when I added paging, and a regression popped up! I’ll remember to test for group deletion in the future. This has been fixed in version 0.2.4 now available

    Tore – I like you idea of more details on the stream. I’ll add that to my list of feature ideas.

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