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  • @phlux0r


    Umm, are you already logged in as Super Admin or other user when you are clicking on the link? If so, log out and try again.



    In that case I’d suggest creating an installation with the same versions used originally on another server or local dev environment and seeing if that makes a difference, if it’s a server config issue maybe or some other mis-configuration somewhere.




    Everything works fine on our site. Media library, post media, avatars…



    I got all this working fine. See Using WP 3.0 beta-1 and BP 1.2.3

    Three things:

    1. upload_path option in wp_options as per my post here:

    2. .htaccess file:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    # uploaded files
    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/$ index.php [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*wp-content/plugins.*
    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^ - [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

    3. My quick fix for the avatar size issue as per post here:




    For avatar upload issues concerning size and if you’re getting the message: Cannot convert object of type WP_Error into string (or similar) see my post here:

    Maybe this will help some of you.



    Looks like in BuddyPress 1.2.3 the avatar size check is not compatible with the WordPress thumbnailing function.

    If you look in bp-code/bp-core-avatars.php, function: bp_core_avatar_handle_upload()

    there is a getimagesize() call. That actually returns an array, not a single value so the if statement will not evaluate correctly and the code will always attempt to create a thumbnail. If that fails, the wp_create_thumbnail() function returns a WP_Error object, hence the message some are getting.

    here’s my modded code to fix this issue:

    /* Resize the image down to something manageable and then delete the original */
    /* HACK made some changes to check image parameters more carefully */
    $_size = getimagesize( $bp->avatar_admin->original['file'] );
    if ( $_size[0] > BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_WIDTH ) {
    $_thumb = wp_create_thumbnail( $bp->avatar_admin->original['file'], BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_WIDTH );
    // Need to check if upload succeeded - issue with small files!
    if ( is_object($_thumb) && get_class($_thumb) == 'WP_Error' ) {
    bp_core_add_message( sprintf( __( 'Upload Failed! Error was: %s', 'buddypress' ), $_thumb->get_error_message()), 'error');
    return false;
    $bp->avatar_admin->resized = $_thumb;




    This happens if you try uploading images smaller than 150x150px. Try a larger image and it will work. Of course this is no excuse for the poor error handling and feedback to the user :).




    the avatar issue seems to come form an incorrect value for the upload_path option in wp_options for the main blog. Make sure it is set to: wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files

    Once I updated the option manually in the database, everything worked fine. Also if you have an old .htaccess file from WPMU, it needs to change to use the new ms-files.php in the rewrite rules:

    RewriteRule ^files/(.+) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$1 [L]

    @Andy Peatling

    I’m using WP3.0 beta-1 and BP 1.3-bleeding and things seem to work OK for the most part except the Blogs area is a bit shaky. I don’t get the My Blogs admin bar menu item.

    So the recommendation is to use BP 1.2.3? Hm, how do I downgrade? Can I just disable BP, reinstall 1.2.3 and then reactivate it?



    I’m also using Hybrid for most our WP projects so I’m interested in what you’ve done. Looks good so far.



    I’ve just done an integration and there was no mention of this plugin. bbPress has a WordPress Integration section in the admin where you can map the WP user roles to the bbPress user roles.

    One thing I noticed though is that if you copy the

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    line to wp-config.php as the guides suggest, you loose the single sign-on between the site and your WPMu created blogs. I also saw the need to hack bb-settings.php as outlined in the comments to this blog post:

    What are your findings?



    Cos you can’t :). There’s no feature to change the blog avatar.



    Well, put it this way, the default buddypress home theme is really just a widget framework accomodating the BP widgets for activity, members, groups, who’s online, welcome etc.

    You need to decide where you want to show what and look for themes that fulfill your requirements. There are dozens of mag style themes out there… As long as you have a good range of widget positions in the theme you should be able to put your home page together the way you want to. Besides, it’s easy to create custom widget positions if you need to.

    In any case, some php / theming skills may be needed to get stuff exactly how you want it.



    You can always use a blog or magazine style theme for your home theme instead of the bphome theme and then drop the BP widgets into that.



    @Andy – yeah, I saw the admin bar disable trick after I posted – doh! Never mind, I took out some other things from bp-core.php anyway.

    Oh yeah, another thing I found was that I had to change the include for bp-custom.php to:

    include_once ‘bp-custom.php’;

    as it gave me grief with redefining existing functions…




    I had the same issue and this time around my BP core hacks are really at a minimum (but I still had to hack ! ). Mostly my hacks are to do with disabling some includes (like the admin bar – I wish there was just a switch which isn’t too hard to do).

    As Jeff says, I used bp-custom.php for my custom functionality but that only goes so far… You OK with that approach as long as the core BP functions uses a filter or action. If that’s not the case, then your options are gone. What I ended up doing in a couple of cases, was just copy the core BP function into my bp-custom.php file, rename it and change the functionality then call that one instead of the original from my template. Again, this only works if you’re going to change the template functions only. If you need to dig deeper then I have no grand ideas left…




    How do I make the code available to you? Please give me a contact address at phlux0r at gmail dot com.

    phlux0r with a zero :-).




    I already have a working External Blogs plugin. Requires SimplePie. It adds a new settings menu to set up an external blog and saves it to the user meta table. It’s displayed under Blogs > My Ext. Blogs and provides template tags for display in the front end.

    The settings page has the following fields:

    – Blog URL

    – Check feed button (after entering the blog URL, the check feed button checks the blog for discoverable RSS feeds and reads the result into the following fields)

    – Feed URL

    – Blog Title

    – Blog Description

    Finally, the plugin also implements a user selectable blog avatar. Users can select from a number of pre defined thumbnails. This part could be taken out.)

    All data is stored as one option in the user meta table.

    As it is now, the plugin has specific wording and naming for our site requirements but that can be edited easily and modified to create a generic plugin. I can provide the plugin code to you if you want to use it as a base for a generic community plugin.




    That XMLRPC approach sounds interesting. Your BPContent concept looks very promising. Should provide a great framework for all sorts of shenanigans with Buddypress :).

    While XMLRPC is provided by blogs, often it has to be explicitly enabled, which I guess is fine. I assume that the benefit of using XMLRPC over plain RSS is also that you can get more info out of external blogs, like number of comments for a post – that would be cool.

    I’ll keep an eye on this thread for sure :). Thanks.




    Cool, I understand. It’s just that one of the elements of our discussion was “real world” usage of BuddyPress so an overly simplistic approach in those terms may not be sufficient :).

    We’ll see how it goes. On our flokka site we call these external blogs “Network Blogs” and have appropriate sections under the Latest Posts widget on the home page and the Latest Posts page. Also, they are listed in the Blogs directory and can be set as featured blogs. We found that most members actually use the external blogs feature rather than create a new blog on the site…




    Your view is reasonable. Also, another site admin may prefer all blog activity in their feeds as they might not want to discriminate people with external blogs in the site-wide activity/posts (this is what my client wanted).

    Essentially, this is a matter of taste and individual requirement but, from the point of view of the plugin, it should cater for either case :).




    regarding the admin management of the external blogs, the plugin could be built with moderation capabilities for the site admin. Ie. site admin is notified when a member adds an external blog. They check it and ban it (disabling its output and visibility) if the content is offensive. In this case a member may have to request an un-ban with another URL…

    As far as just specifying the external blog URL goes, this could just be an extra profile field, no additional effort needed.



    With this plugin, the tricky bit is to make the external blogs as integrated as possible with the internal ones as, from the member’s point of view, it shouldn’t matter where their blog is. The admin part of this plugin is pretty straightforward and simple to make but then the proverbial can of worms opens…

    It affects the blog directory, activity (obviously, the activity feed won’t contain activity from external blogs unless there is some background process running periodically and checking for external blog activity and adding it to the member feeds). Also, if you have a site-wide latest posts page, how do you aggregate the two different sources… etc.

    So, the upshot is, that even if there is an external blogs plugin for the profile, there is quite a bit of work in the integration :) and that is really a case by case scenario…



    I’m just working on updating the flokka site we developed to the latest version of BuddyPress. For this site, we have developed external blogs functionality. I’ve re-written the original external blogs plugin and now have a BP plugin that implements the ability to add an external blog and feed in the member profile. It uses SimplePie RSS for feed discovery, aggregation and management.

    I will need to see how to now integrate this into the site part, like the Blog directory etc… Once I finish, I may be looking at releasing this as a BP plugin to the community.



    In your test user blog, is it just in the plugins list and needs to be activated or is it already active and shows the plugin admin menu?

    You can disable Plugins in the /plugins/ dir to show up for your users under Site Options, at the bottom.

    You can manually activate plugins for user blogs later.

    There is a plugin (Plugin Commander) that allows you to control all the plugins in your /plugins/ dir.



    If you want the plugin to work only for you main site blog, install it in the wp-content/plugins/ dir. If you have installed it in the wp-content/mu-plugins/ then it will be visible for all blogs and potentially not work correctly.

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