Forum Replies Created
Please look into other forum topics as well..
Personally, I think BP supports thousands of users. There are few BuddyPress sites with abounding users. You just need a good server and a good database space.
may be it’s a permalink issue. Try editing your htaccess file.
well, yeah @danbp is right. Only if you are using bp-default theme, follow my instruction.
But it works too.hi @jake-reimer, you can do this. you need to customize member-header.php file inside your child theme.
Copy BuddyPress *members* folder from bp-default folder inside your child theme, and search for member-header.php file located inside members->single folder.
and inside member-header.php file, find this code,
<?php if ( bp_is_active( 'activity' ) && bp_activity_do_mentions() ) : ?> <span class="user-nicename">@<?php bp_displayed_user_mentionname(); ?></span> <?php endif; ?>
this with your desired function name. either first name, or full name or DisplayName.Cheers.
@danbp, @henrywright thanks for the feedback.
I may have to need your other further helps regarding BuddyPress issues and modifications.
hi @henrywright thankx for the reply.
In the member profile, we can search by both username or first name, but searched user have to be on friend-list of the member. Can we search users who are not in the friendlist? any trick for search form or widget plugin?have you tried looking at this Forum ??
@danbp can you look into this?
function remove_bp_tab() { global $bp; bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'activity' ); } add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'remove_bp_tab', 999 );
You can use this, this will remove your activity tab from member profile
hi @danbp
Actually, I want to display the “Most Favorited Count” in single activity group page in custom drop-down select option called “Most Agreed”. See Above Images.['type'] == 'featured'
I wanted to compare option value inside the meta_query
<option value="featured"><?php _e( 'Most Agreed' ); ?></option>
I am not sure if it works. can you debug this for me ? or what code i need to add ?
@quinngoldwin can you specify your issue in details ? or using screenshots will be appreciated.
@danbp, I have an issue..
I have “Most Agreed” option in single group page. but the query is not returning desired value.
can you look into this?Here’s the Screenshot
and Here’s the code
if( class_exists( 'BP_Group_Extension' ) ) : class bpgmq_feature_group { public function __construct() { $this->setup_hooks(); } private function setup_hooks() { $bp = buddypress(); add_filter( 'bp_ajax_querystring', 'custom_filter_ajax_querystring' , 999, 2 ); // you need to do it for the group directory add_action( 'bp_group_activity_filter_options', array( $this, 'agreed_option' ) ); } public function agreed_option() { ?> <option value="featured"><?php _e( 'Most Agreed' ); ?></option> <?php } } function custom_filter_ajax_querystring( $querystring, $object ) { #var_dump($querystring); if($object != 'activity' ) return $querystring; $defaults = array('type'=>'active','action'=> 'active','scope'=> 'all','page'=>1,'order'=>'DESC'); #exit; /*if( $bpgmq_querystring['type'] != 'featured' ) return $querystring;*/ $bpgmq_querystring = wp_parse_args( $querystring, $defaults ); if( $bpgmq_querystring['type'] == 'featured' ){ $bpgmq_querystring['meta_query'] = array(array('key'=> 'favorite_count','value'=> 1,'type'=> 'numeric','compare' => '>=')); return apply_filters( 'bpgmq_filter_ajax_querystring', $bpgmq_querystring, $querystring ); } var_dump($querystring); } function bpgmq_agreed_group() { if( bp_is_active( 'activity') ) return new bpgmq_feature_group(); } add_action( 'bp_init', 'bpgmq_agreed_group' ); endif;
Thanx in Advance
@danbp nope this is coming from BuddyPress Group.
glad it worked..
Best of luck for your site
@danbp I think you can help me with this ..
Hi @jakobbader.. can you do the followings ?
1. Most importantly, disable all plugins except BuddyPress.
2. Also try Switching theme and Check.
3. Make Sure you haven’t changed core files.I did it .. thanx for reply anyway
<div> <?php global $bp,$wpdb; $group_id = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'campaign_group_id', true ); $group_results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT id,name FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bp_groups ORDER BY ID ASC"); ?> <label for="meta-box-dropdown">ADD/EDIT</label> <select name="meta-box-dropdown"> <?php foreach($group_results as $group_result): ?> <option <?php echo ($group_id==$group_result->id)?"selected=selected":"" ?> value="<?php echo $group_result->id ?>"><?php echo $group_result->name ?></option> <?php endforeach; ?> </select> <br> </div>
@danbp thanx buddy, i’ll look-into this documentation and will ask you if i have any query..
Thanx again ..
hmm.. may be there is some trick to do this
i think bp-show-friends plugin widget is somehow match for my site. Thanx @danbp
hi @danbp thanx for the reply, this one’s great plugin too but can’t we customize the default widget ??
#fixed ..
yeah, I found out the issue is inside buddypress/groups/single/ folder but need to find out which file is causing error. Thanx a lot anyway ..
Hope i’ll fix this ASAP.
thanx for your reply @henrywright, I tried switching main theme and it’s working normal. On child theme, I have a customized buddyPress folder. But I have no idea what’s causing that issue.
hi @henrywright can you solve my this issue ? it’s urgent.
Restrict Non-logged in user to post on group forums