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It looks like this was an insufficient memory… great if the diags utility could catch this next time. Onto new tests with buddypress.
Thanks DJP. I imagine the demo sites coded it on their own then. Any rough idea on ETA for this feature?
Thanks Social. I did upload both language files, even the plugin translations under /wp-content/plugins/bpdev-languages/. (I had to create that folder)
Every time I have the mo file installed the problem appears:
* I select Spanish under Admin > Options = nothing happens (stays English)
* Then select Spanish under settings = the admin panel crashes but does switch to Spanish. I then have to *delete* the mo file to get access back to WPMU.
The site then switches to Spanish (90% translated, still some English left) until I make any change to widgets or anything else, then switches back to English by itself.
Any idea?
Last message for this evening: I added widgets to the front page, and the language switched back from Spanish to English
. Looking forward to your comments… good night.
I removed the es_ES mo file through FTP and now have access again. The admin panel now strangely displays in English for the most part except for some sections (groups = grupos). The external site also displays in Spanish: for example. This setup could work (if I knew how to make it work reliably).
Question: are we supposed to NOT use the .mo files with Buddypress? Just the translations? It seems the mo file caused WPMU and Buddypress to fail. If so why did the Buddypress translation files alone not work when I installed them, then did start working after I activated the Spanish mo file (which I had to subsequently delete to regain access to the admin panel!)
I feel I randomly got lucky here and have no idea how make this work reliably. Thanks in advance.