profitsbuzz started the forum topic MySQL database question in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years ago
I burst my MySQL database on the first try of getting a website, I would like to know if you guys have anyidea to get around that problem or if any host that allows a huge MySQL database
by the way, what is the average MySQL database size for a normal MySQL database?
profitsbuzz joined the group Miscellaneous 14 years ago
profitsbuzz posted on the forum topic Gpress options ”blacked out” in the group gPress: 15 years ago
Thanks for the update. I am busy trying to do up my site, I guess I would wait for the new version..
profitsbuzz posted on the forum topic Gpress options ”blacked out” in the group gPress: 15 years ago
I am using firefox 3.6.8.
I would like to ask when would the new version be out?
profitsbuzz posted on the forum topic Gpress options ”blacked out” in the group gPress: 15 years ago
I am using firefox and I am facing the same problem. any idea how can I over come this issue.
profitsbuzz joined the group gPress 15 years ago
profitsbuzz posted on the forum topic Email login in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
with this plugin I still need to use a user name, would I be able to get rid of the user name
profitsbuzz posted an update 15 years ago
@r-a-y Hey ray you taught me to use wp email login, it still requires me to have username, is that not unique right. How can I get rid of that
profitsbuzz posted on the forum topic Useful plugins required in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
Yes that would be great.
profitsbuzz posted on the forum topic Useful plugins required in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
Any ideas here to help us out?
profitsbuzz posted on the forum topic Useful plugins required in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
thanks techguy for the guidance. Any idea then how the RSS feed works then.
profitsbuzz posted on the forum topic Useful plugins required in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
Puanthanh what is the issue when they input the wrong url feed? Sorry Ray and tech guy I am very green at this the program I commission to do my website have fallen out and now it seem I am on my own. Perhaps you can able to guide how do I add the new […]
profitsbuzz posted on the forum topic Useful plugins required in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
So ray would there be anyway to allow member to add their own url?
profitsbuzz started the forum topic Plugin that allows members to add their own URL in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 15 years ago
When a new member join a Buddypress they are allowed to create a new blog, however I would like to find out is there a way or plugin to allow member who already has a blog to just add their current blog/site url instead of creating a new blog. Thanks
profitsbuzz joined the group Third Party Components & Plugins 15 years ago
profitsbuzz posted on the forum topic Useful plugins required in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
Anyone have any idea if there are plugin that performed the task above? or and plugin creators here?
profitsbuzz started the forum topic Useful plugins required in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
Hello kind people, I am looking some plugins to aid me in my site, I wonder if it is available? please advice with link and if it is compatible with the latest version or do I need to downgrade to use it 1. Email login – allows users to use they email to login, just […]
profitsbuzz posted on the forum topic Email login in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
Can more than one person have the same display name?
profitsbuzz posted on the forum topic Email login in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
I would like to find out if I would be able to user display name throughout the the site, is it possible.
profitsbuzz started the forum topic Email login in the group Creating & Extending: 15 years ago
I would like to find out if there a plugin that allow us to do email login, and allow name instead of user name.
Then members would be able to display their real name rather than just login. As we know some people have the same name.
Please advice.
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