I am having trouble getting Facebook to accept a buddy press page – of any sort but the biggest issue is the profile page.
the symptoms are:
facebook reads the url and does nto record the title
but the page does have a title
if you do have a page that does work I would love to see it and examine
the code differences as it may help me discover the issue
gus @proshotphoto.com
I simply use the facebook connect. and have disabled any other form of registration or login.
and i only get 1 user unless they have multiple facebook accounts and i get the benefit of avoiding the need for any other authentication
since facebook spend millions confirming its users i get to use that development for free.
I do know however that 99.9999 % of my users will be facebook users
So when i look at yoru delema i wonder why you want to offer all those ways and in turn CREATE your own problem