Олег Поспелов started the topic New Feature Request: Changing the Login Page in the Menu in the forum Requests & Feedback 2 years, 6 months ago
Hello, I’d like to see a new feature in BuddyPress: changing the menu login page link. I have my own login page made through BBPress, but if I add a link to the login page in the menu through the BuddyPress member item, then there is no way to specify my login page address.
Олег Поспелов started the topic Free push notification plugin in the forum Third Party Plugins 2 years, 7 months ago
Good afternoon. I have my own small community based on buddypress and bbpress. I want to add a push notification feature to my community. That is, I want users to be able to receive not only messages by mail from buddypress, but also push notifications, but I can not find a free and updated plugin. All the plugins that I find on the Internet have…[Read more]
Active 1 year, 6 months ago