I solved this error without having to disable the SEO in BuddyPress pages, and without having to touch the core of the plugin.
I’ll leave here (add in functions.php):
function wpseo_fix_title_buddypress($title) {
// Check if we are in a buddypress page
if (function_exists( 'buddypress') && buddypress()->displayed_user->id || buddypress()->current_component ) {
$bp_title_parts = bp_modify_document_title_parts();
// let's rebuild the title here
$title = $bp_title_parts['title'] . ' ' . $title;
return $title;
add_filter( 'wpseo_title', 'wpseo_fix_title_buddypress');
maybe this code or something similar would need to be implemented in Yoast SEO plugin… maybe.