12 years, 3 months ago
oops… I had deleted the user… install bushing emoticon here 😉
12 years, 6 months ago
@niaconcepts, it is in the plugins folder. NOT the themes folder. plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default…
Thanks @mercime… can you explain what alignment code to change in the template file?
This is a custom site built as a child from the default BP theme.
Here is a link to the one: http://shamanscircle.com/activity Heres is the other (mind, the alignment is off for my own present reasons-just testing for now): http://shamanscircle.com/discussions/forum/test-forum/
I have done that install as documented in your link @Traek.
So, Yes, i have BBpress installed as a plugin along with Buddypress. I felt it was required. Perhaps I’m confusing things?
The custom install is here: http://shamanscircle.com the forum is at http://shamanscircle.com/forums/spirit-of-weather-forum/