What I mean by “same content” is whatever I post on a page such as the main index page or other secondary pages, it would show up on the member sites as well. It would be the same content but even more than that it would be the same in that it’s not another duplicate site using the same content.
For example: I create a master page which has “Hello World, this is Ron. Take a look at this Business Advantage bla bla bla [ picture of something ]
The member would have the same site but it would be http://TheirID.MyWonderfulSite.com. The main page would be the same content but it would pull in the members first name and place it where I have my name. “Hello World, this is [Joe]. Take a look at this Business Advantage bla bla bla [picture of something].
When you replicate a site like this and have 1000 members, you don’t have 1000 pages of content. You have 1 page and all 1000 members are using the same page but with their tags showing like their name, email etc.
In addition, they would be able to have their OWN unique blog page or bio page which would have 1000 instances of that.
Does this help?
That is what a network marketing replicating website does. You can see what I am talking about by going to my site at http://www.getstartersite.com. It’s being done already. I just want to do it with WordPress.