Reacton replied to the topic Limiting text length of activity update posts in the forum Creating & Extending 12 years ago
Thanks for the help.. but found a plugin which does the job anyway.
Reacton replied to the topic Limiting text length of activity update posts in the forum Creating & Extending 12 years ago
@modemlooper Sorry if this upsets any parties but my Java script lecturer from last year was absolutely terrible and as such we learnt basically nothing about java script.. I do know my way around wordpress and the files in the backend however so could you please tell me how to implement this javascript code in detail?
Any help much appriciated,
Reacton replied to the topic [Resolved] Child theme issue – text in profile fields in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
RESOLVED – None of the buttons, text fields where appearing in profile, comments etc because they are linked to the following field and I had set it to display none.
p:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0px;
display: none;
} -
Reacton replied to the topic [Resolved] Child theme issue – text in profile fields in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
@mercime I did edit afew of the html files: header, page, index, sidebar, and footer. however I realised I may have worded that wrong, its when I post a comment it says who posted it the time and everything but the actual comment does not appear?
and if I add a profile field and fill it in it shows the profile feed name in the profile page but…[Read more]
Reacton started the topic [Resolved] Child theme issue – text in profile fields in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
I have created a child theme of the bp-default theme, everything has been linked corectly however for some reason any text which is added to the profile page e.g. if I post a status or if I add a name or address in the progile editor does not appear?
Cheers for any replies.
Reacton started the topic Created Child theme of bp-default but some elements arent appearing? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 12 years ago
I have managed to create a child theme properly all of the css properties and everything have carried over however theres a few random problems I have found for example:
1. when I go into a profile and post an activity (or status) it acknoledges I have posted said comment however the actual comment itself does not appear?? so it says user one…[Read more]
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