Forum Replies Created
Well this issue is resolved. I installed an SMTP plugin and this got fixed.
I did it
function annointed_admin_bar_remove() { global $wp_admin_bar; /* Remove their stuff */ $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu('wp-logo'); } add_action('wp_before_admin_bar_render', 'annointed_admin_bar_remove', 0);
Thought of to give the solution if anybody needs it.
This question awaits an answer. Sorry for bumping.
I have another question.
If I want to remove wordpress logo from the top wordpress bar where the buddypress activity dropdown shows, I want to place my website logo there. what I need to do. Is that possible.
Thanks a lot. 🙂
Just make sure the directory structure stays the same.
I have copied the buddypress folder from the plugin to Theme-child folder.
I read the codex too. But doesnt tell anything about the directory structure. do you mean that I need to create a pluin folder inside my child my directory structure is
themes–>hueman-child–>buddypressThis is what you meant right?
Correct me if I am wrong.Awesome!
Thanks for that quick reply.
I have another question. Sorry it is silly I know. As I am new to buddypress I am taking some time reading all the docs. The question is if I make any modification in the front end views for the buddypress installation I guess I need to do in a child theme so that the modifications doesnt go off with the new releases of buddypress. But where do I do it. I mean I read that the new releases of buddypress supports any wordpress theme compatibility I can rather do this modifications inside my website childtheme itself I suppose.
But waht about the directory structures? How that should be. do I need to make a directory inside my child theme. Can you please tell how it works?