Developer ICAN replied to the topic Navigation with bp_nav_menu() in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 5 months ago
Can you explain what you did?
Developer ICAN started the topic WP 3.5.2 BP 1.9 – re create BP admin bar in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 5 months ago
I’m using the latest BP release – 1.9 and the latest WP 3.5.2.
I’ve searched everywhere on how i can re create the top right BP admin bar that shows the user profile pic and loads of really useful links?
My set up is as follows ..
I have BP templates added to a ‘buddypress’ folder in my theme. I have the buddypress-functions.php in my…[Read more]
Developer ICAN replied to the topic [Resolved] BuddyPress custom templates and default pages in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 5 months ago
Thanks hugo
Developer ICAN replied to the topic [Resolved] BuddyPress custom templates and default pages in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 5 months ago
Yeah i see those files thanks! i was just asking whether there was any nice style i could just apply to it rather than downloading a full theme!
Thanks in advance!
Developer ICAN replied to the topic How to: Modify the bp admin bar in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 5 months ago
I’ve trying to mimic the functionality of the BP admin bar in the latest release of BuddyPress – thats 1.9 – can someone point out how i can do this? I want to place it somewhere else on my site and t urn off the top one?
Developer ICAN replied to the topic remove admin-bar in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 5 months ago
In the latest BuddyPress – 1.9 – i want to hide the admin bar but keep it for WP site users (editors, admins) that aren’t BP users? Is that possible?
Developer ICAN started the topic [Resolved] BuddyPress custom templates and default pages in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 5 months ago
I;ve copied all my Buddypress template files back to my theme as per the documentation at https://codex.buddypress.org/developer/theme-development/a-quick-look-at-1-7-theme-compatibility/. Thats great as i konw have full control over all these templates.
I’ve 2 questions ..
1) Is there some default CSS i can get anywhere just to style up my…[Read more]
Developer ICAN replied to the topic Shortcode question in the forum Installing BuddyPress 11 years, 5 months ago
Hi John,
You ever figure out a solution for this? I’ve run into the exact same issue? The only solution i can see at the moment is to install a third party plugin – http://bp-tricks.com/featured/buddypress-shortcodes-plugin/ – but thats over 2 years old now?
Thanks for any advice!
Developer ICAN replied to the topic WordPress + BuddyPress – seperate or combined install? in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 6 months ago
Brilliant answer! Thank you very much for the help!
Developer ICAN replied to the topic WordPress + BuddyPress – seperate or combined install? in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 6 months ago
Just one last question here. If you did install multi site and network activated BuddyPress then on your first child site community.site.com has all the buddypress activity – would a user signing up on the community be a user on the parent site?
Developer ICAN replied to the topic WordPress + BuddyPress – seperate or combined install? in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 6 months ago
Guys, thanks you for your responses – very helpful!
See i have a very active web site built in WP (well i will – its just being built). The Community/Forum elements (with BuddyPress and BBPress) will be an integral part of it also. When i done a few test’s on activating BuddyPress and BBPress, i found that this doubled the site queries which i’m…[Read more]
Developer ICAN started the topic WordPress + BuddyPress – seperate or combined install? in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 6 months ago
I’m new to Buddypress but want a Forum on my site. I just wanted to gauge whether its the done thing to integrate BuddyPress into a WP install or not for a relatively large site? I’m starting to see that BuddyPress is quite a large system with its own plugins & themes etc so is it advisable to seperate them onto a multi site installation or…[Read more]
Active 8 years, 8 months ago