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  • robgranholm



    Nope, not at all, as long as we join up in the solution! I’m in the same boat as this being an urgent issue, and I’m not sure what to toggle, or files to look at to resolve this.

    I’ve cycled a user through every forum role, and site role, and in my case, only the Administrator can see the content. I have removed protection on the post itself completely and that hasn’t made a difference. Not sure what else to stab at.

    You mention things that look like PHP calls in a template file somewhere, which I haven’t edited, but how would I test for these things?



    Interesting, I am using Wishlist, but even if I have no protection on the topic itself, this issue still presents itself, further wouldn’t that hide the page entirely, and redirect the user to the login page? I’ve turned on protection and tried just viewing the page not logged in, and I get redirected, once logged in, the page shows, but again with the issue, no topic content showing.

    Where would I go to test these suggestions? What actions would I take?

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