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About Me

I am a dedicated Lightworker who has a passion for Healing & Teaching, making a difference in people’s lives, to be able to let them see they have the power within to heal themselves and live the healthy and happy life they were born to live.
I am happily married to my Soulmate who is also my Twin Flame for 24 years and I love Music, writing, Movies & being among the flowers in the garden., my kind of Bliss.
I Am all that I Am, Namaste.

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WordPress Origin Story

This story is short really how I came to WordPress because I was really unhappy where I was , they were not doing the right thing for me even though had been with them for years, it suddenly changed which meant,a change of Management I feel but Hey that led me here because after searching for over a year for where I was going to go next, I found everywhere was far too expensive however WordPress was affordable for me so I signed up.
Next was the big shock to my system as I wasn’t used to such a profession site to build, quite easy for when you know but I don’t know much lol. So the learning began, lots of tutorials& support tickets which I am sure they must have shuddered when they saw my name but I really was being very brave taking this on thinking it was like my other one which was really like a toy in comparison.
I love it now & I so look forward to opening day so I can show everyone the new face of The Crystal Gateway & many thanks to WordPress for being here.

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