Roy McKenzie started the topic Use REST to add favorite to custom post type in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 10 months, 4 weeks ago
I am thinking about using BuddyPress to help power my headless WordPress-powered social media website. I already have a custom post type. Let’s call it “drop”. Users can create new “drop” post types and they show up in a feed. The “post” post type is reserved for full articles while a “drop” is something akin to an X/Twitter post.
I have…[Read more]
Roy McKenzie posted a new activity comment 14 years, 10 months ago
It’s ok. It has fallen by the way side honestly. I had been shuffled around at work to take on a lot more responsibility than I had ever anticipated. Now my employer is interested in the venture for his own gain. He has a website at http://www.valleylife.com. I’m looking to find a good event’s calendar plugin, but it seems that bp-events has…[Read more]
Roy McKenzie joined the group Facestream 14 years, 10 months ago
Roy McKenzie posted an update 14 years, 10 months ago
Long time no talk!
How’s that Modesto site doing?
It’s ok. It has fallen by the way side honestly. I had been shuffled around at work to take on a lot more responsibility than I had ever anticipated. Now my employer is interested in the venture for his own gain. He has a website at http://www.valleylife.com. I’m looking to find a good event’s calendar plugin, but it seems that bp-events has…[Read more]
Active 10 months, 4 weeks ago