Roy McKenzie started the topic Use REST to add favorite to custom post type in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 9 months, 3 weeks ago
I am thinking about using BuddyPress to help power my headless WordPress-powered social media website. I already have a custom post type. Let’s call it “drop”. Users can create new “drop” post types and they show up in a feed. The “post” post type is reserved for full articles while a “drop” is something akin to an X/Twitter post.
I have…[Read more]
Roy McKenzie posted a new activity comment 14 years, 9 months ago
It’s ok. It has fallen by the way side honestly. I had been shuffled around at work to take on a lot more responsibility than I had ever anticipated. Now my employer is interested in the venture for his own gain. He has a website at http://www.valleylife.com. I’m looking to find a good event’s calendar plugin, but it seems that bp-events has…[Read more]
Roy McKenzie joined the group Facestream 14 years, 9 months ago
Roy McKenzie posted an update 14 years, 9 months ago
Long time no talk!
How’s that Modesto site doing?
It’s ok. It has fallen by the way side honestly. I had been shuffled around at work to take on a lot more responsibility than I had ever anticipated. Now my employer is interested in the venture for his own gain. He has a website at http://www.valleylife.com. I’m looking to find a good event’s calendar plugin, but it seems that bp-events has…[Read more]
Active 9 months, 3 weeks ago