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  • @ruthlessbookie


    edit – when I previously used the word “group”, I meant “event”. thus my post shuold have said there was an avatar issue with new events.

    @pcwriter – I didn’t test it in the default theme, but it added “events” to my menu tab on my custom theme



    worked fine for me, but avatar cropping failed both during group creating process and after group was created when I went back and tried to edit the group – otherwise, I think you have something here!



    while the BP Beta was in development last summer, we started a Facebook Group and a Twitter account – by the time we launched the site in September 2009, the FB group had over 2000 members, and 700+/- twitter followers whom we could then push toward the membership sign-up.



    same here – default theme, no additional plugins…the error does not occur if I use a default avatar vs. uploading one



    nobody bothers to enforce patents like this except Apple



    I wish I had an answer for you, but that particular item seems redundant to me so I just delete it entirely from member-header.php. Instead, I move the “Mention This Member” link to the profile menu items.



    Having done both, I can say that it takes me about the same amount of time either way, so it DOES depend on the situation.



    in CSS, look for




    those are the basic styles for the buttons.

    as previously mentioned, your original idea employs the use of something called “sliding doors”. if you’ve never done it before, you might want to start here:



    try disabling your google ads that are floating in the right column, it might be a z-index issue



    although, when I did that, the admin bar went away again



    thanks. that did the trick…no idea how I missed that option the first time.



    I had the same problem, I fixed it by using a plugin called “Mail From” by Andrew Hamilton



    although I’m still unable to solve the core issue of the problem, I discovered a plugin that solved the problem:



    so far, I’ve still not been able to get wpmu activation emails to work with buddypress activated – de-activated, wpmu sends all the emails. I’m really confused about this, and a bit surprised that I’m the only one who seems to be experiencing this issue.



    there are some pros and cons to this concept; sure we can offer financial incentive for plugin creation, but what about future upgrades – we’re going to pay for that too? I’d hate to become dependent on someone’s plugin if it’s just going to be abandoned 6 months down the road



    if you’re using a custom theme, switch back to the default theme and see if it works there – if it does, you need to edit your custom theme



    @pcwriter, I’m assuming you mean page titles not slugs. for css the process would be the same as r-a-y mentioned



    Ann – if you’re doing a fresh install, I recommend , just dont fall for the one click install thing



    I feel like I’m on the verge of solving this problem, but there’s so much deprecated code between my various BP upgrades and my theme that was designed before the switch to parent/child. I have a new theme that works great (based in part on DetoX), but I wish I could just isolate the email activation issue.

    The ironic part is I only run a main blog, users don’t get the blog option – so I really would be better off porting this from WPMU to WP, but after tons of attempts, can’t seem to make that happen yet.


    I’ll keep trying to figure this out, and hopefully someone else who has solved this issue already will chime in with some words of wisdom.



    @ Ann Christine – if you’re on Blue Host, make sure your email address settings in admin are from the same domain as the site – this is something they changed recently, and didn’t bother to tell anyone.



    r-a-y – I’m in the process of trying that now – will report back.

    I’m hoping that this thread will help anyone else in the future who made the mistake of using one-click installers for BP.



    I was unsuccessful with that.

    But the bigger question is: why do the activation emails stop when BP is activated?

    I’m thinking that there’s some foul-up over the various upgrades since I installed this back in September 09, as when I do a fresh manual install on the same server/domain in a test directory, everything works fine.

    I’m wondering if backing up wp-content folder then deleting everything and re-installing a fresh WPMU/BP to existing database then re-installing avatars, images and various plugins etc. will do the trick.



    if you have a “bp-themes” folder in your themes directory, you can get rid of it – not so sure you want to remove the one from within the buddypress plugin folder – the one in the themes directory is left over from older versions of buddypress. remember – before you delete anything, do a backup first.



    ok, here’s the results:

    1. created a full mirror of my live site in a test directory, including a separate copy of the database.

    2. de-activated all plugins, including buddypress

    3. chose a non-buddypress theme in admin

    4. ftp’d a fresh copy of wpmu to the directory – surprisingly, this didn’t break anything.

    5. Before re-activating any plugins, I successfully registered, all activation / notification emails worked fine.

    6. re-activated BuddyPress

    7. tried to register a new member, and now I have nothing – no activation / notification emails.

    Am I wrong to conclude this is a BuddyPress issue?



    ok, I have identified the culprit – the install giving me problems is one that I did the one-step install from my hosting admin that uses SimpleScript. I just did another test install manually, and everything works as it should.

    but this creates a new problem: I have a live site w/ over 350 users, and that too was originally installed last September w/ SimpleScript. Those initial users were able to sign up, but somewhere along the way, that process broke.

    So the question is this:

    Can I do a manual re-install of WPMU over an existing install from SimpleScript? is it just a matter of uploading/over-writing the WPMU files? I’ll replicate my live site & database in a test directory, disable all plugins, and give it a whirl, and post my results here.

    oh, btw, incase you’re wondering, I’m hosting on BlueHost. Their supprt is usually really good until it comes to WP and SimpleScript stuff, even though they’ve integrated it into their control panel.

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