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  • Ryan Hale


    @r-a-y, that appears to have done the trick. Great, and thank you!

    Ryan Hale



    The link you posted for reading assumes that you can actually access the Groups admin area, but that is precisely the problem as I can’t.

    Also, I’m fairly new to BP plugin development, but I’m feeling pretty sure that I’m looking at the right place for how the admin menu is built. Here is what I posted in the original question, which comes from bp-groups/bp-groups-admin.php:

    $hook = add_menu_page(
    __( ‘Groups’, ‘buddypress’ ),
    __( ‘Groups’, ‘buddypress’ ),


    I’ll post a bug in trac.



    Ryan Hale


    Thanks danbp. At this point, I’m just trying to solve for users with this new role type to have access to the Groups area in admin. Below are the capabilities that I’ve given the role. Unfortunately, in my testing so far, the only way I can get Groups (and Activity) to show up in admin is if I set manage_options to True, which is undesirable. But does that jive with your understanding that it needs to be True to make this work?

    (Quick note that this is non-multisite)

    Here is a screenshot showing the missing Groups admin area:

    And here are the capabilities for the user with the role that I’ve created:

    activate_plugins => false,
    delete_others_pages => true,
    delete_others_posts => true,
    delete_pages => true,
    delete_plugins => false,
    delete_posts => true,
    delete_private_pages => true,
    delete_private_posts => true,
    delete_published_pages => true,
    delete_published_posts => true,
    edit_dashboard => false,
    edit_files => false,
    edit_others_pages => true,
    edit_others_posts => true,
    edit_pages => true,
    edit_posts => true,
    edit_private_pages => true,
    edit_private_posts => true,
    edit_published_pages => true,
    edit_published_posts => true,
    edit_theme_options => false,
    export => true,
    import => false,
    list_users => true,
    manage_categories => true,
    manage_links => true,
    manage_options => false,
    moderate_comments => true,
    promote_users => true,
    publish_pages => true,
    publish_posts => true,
    read_private_pages => true,
    read_private_posts => true,
    read => true,
    remove_users => true,
    switch_themes => false,
    upload_files => true,
    update_core => false,
    update_plugins => false,
    update_themes => false,
    install_plugins => false,
    install_themes => false,
    delete_themes => false,
    edit_plugins => false,
    edit_themes => false,
    edit_users => true,
    create_users => true,
    delete_users => true,
    unfiltered_html => true,
    bp_moderate => true

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