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Savannah Ulibarri

About Me

Bakersfield farm accident lawyers at Chain Cohn and Stiles have been helping field workers and laborers for many years. If you work on a farm, in the fields, in an orchard or at a vineyard and you have been injured you may need to speak with an experienced farm injury lawyer in Bakersfield. The experienced attorneys at Chain Cohn and Stiles are available for no cost consultations. There is never a charge to speak with an attorney about whether or not it makes sense to file a lawsuit related to an agricultural injury. In many situation the experienced farm accident lawyers at Chain Cohn and Stiles are able to get sizeable settlements to compensate their clients for their injuries. Farm equipment is involved in many serious accident in Bakersfield and all of Kern County every year.

Bakersfield farm accident lawyers should be chosen carefully. Chain Cohn and Stiles have a successful track record and are considered to be some of the best lawyers in Bakersfield handling farm accident cases.

Bakersfield farm accident lawyers
Field worker injury lawyers in Bakersfield
Farm injury lawyers in Bakersfield
Vineyard accident lawyers Bakersfield CA
Farm equipment injury lawyers
Orchard accident lawyers

Bakersfield farm accident and injury lawyers at Chain Cohn and Stiles are standing by to provide no cost consultations 24 hours a day and they even make home or hospital visits. Call 661-323-4000 now to speak with a farm injury lawyer in Bakersfield.
Chain | Cohn | Stiles
1430 Truxtun Ave
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 323-4000

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