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  • @sayze35


    thanks… this is looking good.
    but got a problem/issue?

    so i followed the guide to doing a child theme (very easy — very nice to see that!!!)

    but when i make a sub site and activate the child theme…
    not everything carries over?

    example: i have a widget on the main blog, its just a html widget and i add stuff to the html.
    a) the widget does not show
    b) the html in the widget – obviously does not show

    I guess the widget content is stored in the option tables, BUT why doesn’t the widget carry over?

    OT – this drives me crazy. i have custom header image. On the main blog, i upload the new header image and it works.
    I see where the setting is at in the table. I then edit the image path to another place, where the same image is at.
    BUT it will not display. Why not? why can the image only be placed where the upload button puts it?

    as for the header image, I ONLY want 1 image on the server.
    I dont’ want each blog to store its own version of the header image.
    how do i make the child templates pull the SAME image file for theheader?




    ahhhh.. thanks seems like a direction i need to look at…


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