Forum Replies Created
@dennismolek – thank you – that would be very useful and appreciated and should be a sticky in itself.
Again – sorry for the bump but I am open to all ideas with reference to the above
Again – sorry for the bump but I am open to all ideas with reference to the above
Soory for bumping everyone – but this is driving me insane.
OK I had aply but still need some help please. What I have done followed a hack from another thread by @r-a-y to move the activity thread along the tabs and make the forum one home – so at least when people look at the group it does not confuse them. This along with making the thread private means that the Main Activity thread does not get cluttered with group posts. Not ideal – but will have to do.
This though causes another issue – if you click Group Directory – you get no topics found – further confusion to the users. If I turn off Group Directory in the settings, the button still remains – but if you click the button it goes to the site home page – more confusion to users.
Can anyone help me my problem another way?
Seems Groups are not very well thought through
website link?
Anyone offer some help on this?
drop me an email – I will walk you through it.
Shamless bump
Ok I found the culprit – email notifcations – I am not going to debug it – I am will just remove it for another time.
Worked perfect – thanks @sbrajesh
I soooo want this. I dont know enough about coding to pull out the right code – but if anyone knows of a plugin – please share – I know many people would be interested in this.
I use this – there is a tweak to show your own posts too – as it stands it will ignore the users own post – a quick search will find the fix – its pretty simple.
I can’t see its supported anymore which is a shame as some fine tuning of this could make it excellant. For example if you click View on a person is not a friend – it will just return blank – it would be better if it said “Only Friends Can See this etc” – but it is a good starting point.
Good Luck
@mercime Thank You Thank You Thank You.
Worked perfectly – my site is almost how I want it ( couple more things to play with) but I thank you so much.
Your help is what makes BP so appealing to me. I have used many OS software over the years – and I dont mind admitting I am a cut and paste merchant when it comes to code – your help has been exceptional.
If you ever come to London – I owe you a cold beer.
Thanks @mercime
I added your suggested changes – not sure what they did – but I applied them.
I respect your knowledge way ahead of my own.
One thing – you put ul.activity-list li twice in the list above – or I have misunderstood?
Thanks Man @mercime
I did some digging myself – and I did change the CSS for another issue I had where large images were pushing the activity list all over the place. I fixed this by adding the below to the CSS line for ul.activity-list li
‘ul.activity-list li {
padding: 20px 0 0 0;
}’I played with this once more and change the last line to diplay:block; and that seems to have worked well.
Unless you see a reason where this is not the solution – maybe you can see issues in the future?? – I am happy to go with – but I am open to suggestions.
as always thanks @mercime
I am beginning to regret using this theme – seems to have quite a few style issues with it –
Any ideas on fixing it?
Ah OK – I just edited the activity.php and found post-form.php and replaced it with post-form-groups.php and it worked.
I agree with the OP – I tried your fix above – but I am still able to see and post activity in the groups.
just to re-trace my steps – I created in my theme (fishbook) groups/single/activity.php – and pasted the activity.php from /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/groups/single/
I then copied wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/activity/post-form.php to /wp-content/themes/fishbook-buddypress-buddypack/activity/ and renamed it post-form-groups and cleared the contents of that file. However, I still see the activity box etc.
Sorry for bumping – but anyone see this too?
It almost worked – the siderbar is now there.
The layout is a bit screwy. – creditionals if needing to login testuser with pw testuser.
The page is still the reduced size version – which maybe why the siderbar does not align properly.
edit* just noticed it removed the sidebar from activity using the fix – so I removed the folder and it appeared back.
Thanks @mercime – I really do appreciate your help.
OK I understood – right up to the part
Before you upload, change the HTML structure of permalink.php to something similar like the page.php while keeping that page’s template tags on permalink.php.
I am lost at what this part means – I done everything up to this part now
Sorry – you may regret trying to help
Thank you for the reply. I’m a little confused though.
I have found the file permalink.php – you say copy to your child theme – would that be /wp-content/themes/fishbook-buddypress-buddypack and paste the file in there?
You mention I should past inside folders/single/activity following directory structure of bp default – I am at complete loss as what is intended here or what is meant – sorry
I am trying to understand the file structures (honest) but it’s taking a while to “go in” my brain!
Thanks @Virtuali
Link is
You probably will need to login to see the thread – username testuser and pw is testuser.
Thanks again – it’s people like you that makes projects like this happen – much appreciated.