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  • @sharonmiranda


    I managed to figure out that once you’ve used the bp-custom.php code above once, to re-establish the legacy setup for bp-default, then you have to remove the code so as to avoid the ‘headers already loaded’ error.

    Another post I saw by one of your team didn’t include the <?php ?> part of the code.
    To do such a drastic change, it would have been appreciated by thousands, to have solid support documents, as well as steps to easily alter child themes to the newest WP standard. And also to have a button to downgrade BP in case of a mess like I had.



    your bp-custom.php code causes a ‘headers already loaded’ error in attempting to get back to the bp-default child theme.

    And, I was using the bp-default child theme when I upgraded PB and that fact was not detected.

    This move of yours is pretty drastic. At a quick test, I find I’d have to completely redesign my child theme to match to some other parent. This isn’t really fair.



    I certainly agree that this forum needs a search feature. I often find answers on other sites due to this.

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