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  • @shnooka30


    Bump this



    // Remove buddypress widgets from blogs other than the main blog
    function hide_bp_widgets() {
    if (!is_main_blog()) remove_all_actions(‘bp_register_widgets’);
    add_action(‘plugins_loaded’, ‘hide_bp_widgets’, 1); // Has to run before bp_setup_widgets()



    I have way to bugs, They need to test the site before they release a newer version. Im installing the older version.



    Im confused, so I need to create a plug-in. I tried adding the following code to a file named “bp-custom.php” and then dropped into my plug-ins folder and got a error.on all my pages

    Then I tried to drop that same file into buddypress and it didnt work.



    @Richard Venable

    Thanks, did you drop that in the CSS file?




    I spoke with a Developer here in Tampa that works for a newspaper and they have a semi-working version of it already. Apparently its a newspaper company that has news blog here in the US and South America and they want each news blog/location to have there own individual bp install on one network. The guy could have bean bs me, but it made sense. I also read you were talking to brajesh about trying to do the same a week or two ago, so it’s only a matter of time before it’s available to the wp users.



    Yea, they say it works, but ive tried it on 3 different bp sites. Some without any additional plug-ins. Wasnt sure if anyone else found a solution to this.



    @r-a-y @paulhastings0

    I think it would have bean best to keep mu & wp separate and not merge the two. There is already a plug-in being developed that will allow sub-blogs the capability to add their own buddypress. So you would have a monster buddypresss site with multiple minor bp sites all on one domain.

    This is getting ridiculous.



    I don’t know, you could ask the developer of that plug-in to see if it works. I read through the forum that some mu users were having issues.



    I dont think that plug-in works anymore. I tried it last week and also found out FB’s new changes affected that plug-ins performance.



    @techguy….no worries, I appreciate your help. I hope to one day use the paid membership, but that type of membership is a hard sell and very few sites could offer such a tool.



    Sweet, Thanks RAY, that did the trick…



    Sorry, i didnt see that last post, let me try



    It doesn’t, There is no way to set the re-direct with s2. I’m looking for my users to go to my site and when they click on members or groups it takes them to /register/ page, not the login.php.

    This plug-in doesn’t allow this to happen. Here is a example of of a site that has a similar site as mine.



    Thanks, I did install that and there is a load of info there. Maybe ill work on that and see how it is.

    This plug-in works great, however it sends users to the backend login form and not the register page. Can’t figure out how to redirect to register page.

    class RegisteredUsersOnly {
    var $exclusions = array();
    // Class initialization
    function RegisteredUsersOnly ()
    // Register our hooks
    add_action( ‘wp’, array(&$this, ‘MaybeRedirect’) );
    add_action( ‘init’, array(&$this, ‘LoginFormMessage’) );
    add_action( ‘login_head’, array(&$this, ‘NoIndex’), 1 );


    // Depending on conditions, run an authentication check
    function MaybeRedirect() {
    global $bp;
    // If the user is logged in, then abort
    if ( current_user_can(‘read’) ) return;

    if ($bp&&($bp->current_component == BP_REGISTER_SLUG ))//buddypress
    $this->exclusions = array(
    ‘wp-cron.php’ // Just incase
    // If the current script name is in the exclusion list, abort
    if ( in_array( basename($_SERVER), apply_filters( ‘registered-users-only_exclusions’, $this->exclusions) ) ) return;

    // Still here? Okay, then redirect to the login form

    // Use some deprecate code (yeah, I know) to insert a “You must login” error message to the login form
    // If this breaks in the future, oh well, it’s just a pretty message for users
    function LoginFormMessage() {
    // Don’t show the error message if anything else is going on (registration, etc.)
    if ( ‘wp-login.php’ != basename($_SERVER) || !empty($_POST) || ( !empty($_GET) && empty($_GET) ) ) return;

    global $error;
    $error = __( ‘Only registered users can watch this site. Please register or login.’, ‘registered-users-only’ );

    // Tell bots to go away (they shouldn’t index the login form)
    function NoIndex() {
    echo ” n”;


    // Start this plugin once all other plugins are fully loaded
    add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, create_function( ”, ‘global $RegisteredUsersOnly; $RegisteredUsersOnly = new RegisteredUsersOnly();’ ) );



    Thanks MrMaz, I figured there was a reason.



    I too have “0” listed as comments, even though there are 6 comments. Curious.. many people are asking me why the thumbnail doesn’t show in the activity stream. Is this a bug? Kinda strange



    I beleive it would allow members to upload a Gravtar via BP. Instead of sending them to



    I was hoping that there would be a tiny mce attachment or else using the same function used to post images to wires in te e-mail code.



    Wow, thanks. Ill look into this and let you know how it goes.



    Boone that would be cool.

    I used the plug-in to block members from going strait to the dash. But I have it set for them to go to the home page.

    Again it would be cool if they logeed in, it would be cool for them to go there profile. This would also encourage new members to fill out there profile details as well.



    Thanks Jeff, It was a easy fix



    That cant be possible, that doesn’t make any sense?



    Thanks John. I solved the issue.



    You may want to post this question on the wpmu forum.

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