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  • @shpitzyl









    If I want to make updates to buddypress CSS for desktops and get rid of those updates (styles) on the ipad and phones to keep on responsiveness. What do you suggest I do?

    You can use media queries to make different styles to different screen sizes.



    No, you didn’t understand what I was saying. Read again the first line on my post. You can use in your child theme only the template files inside bp-template. You can’t use the core files.

    widget.php is not a template file. If you want to edit widget.php you have only two option.
    1. Try to find a hook inside the file.
    2. If you can’t find a hook then you can only hack the core.



    Passing ‘&count_total=count_query’ as argument to bp_has_activities() doesn’t seem to work.

    The reason I need it to work is because I’m using the plugin “Buddypress Site Wide Activity”.
    I tried to pass the argument inside the plugin (it uses bp_has_activities() to show the activities). Also, for testing purpose, I tried to do it inside activity-loop.php, Passed the argument and added bp_activity_pagination_count() and bp_activity_pagination_links() just to test it.

    It doesn’t work.

    The performance bottleneck that this query was causing made me re-think about it. Maybe it would be good enough for me to just add a link inside the plugin’s widget to the site wide activity page.

    Anyway, thanks for clarifying what the issue was.



    Within your child theme, you can only use budypress template files – the files inside /bp-template/bp-legacy/.

    In order to edit the template files you have to create a folder named buddypress inside your child theme folder. Every file you want to edit should be inside the same directory structure as in bp-legacy.

    For example:
    If you want to edit activity-loop.php then you place the file in:

    Editing css and js:

    Another thing that you should look at are hooks. Buddypress has many hooks that you can use inside your functions.php. I’ve never found any structured documentation about it. but you can learn a lot about it from tutorials online. Here is a blog with many tutorials

    Sometimes you can’t find hooks to everything you want to do so what I do is documenting my hacks in the core so I can keep track of them when it is time to upgrade.



    There is nothing wrong with my child-theme configuration. I’ve tested it on 2014 theme, without bp-custom.php, the code in functions.php and BP template files are not applying because it is in my child theme and I’m testing on 2014 theme. Also turned off all plugins and installed fresh version of buddypress without any core hacks.

    The issue still persists. Everything was fine before upgrading to 2.1.1.

    I was thinking about opening a bug report ticket but if you say that everything is working for you then the issue must be on my end. I just can’t figure it out (yet).



    I’m not sure what people here are referring to when talking about the 2014 theme.

    I’m using hueman theme. I tried to test it with the themes that come with wordpress by default and the issue remained. Also tested it with the theme that comes with buddypress (this is 2013 theme right?).

    I wonder if anyone else has that issue.



    Nice work.



    If you change overflow to fixed, it should stay fixed when inspecting it. It is obvious that you are doing something wrong.

    Are you using a child theme?
    Are you making the changes inside your theme’s style.css or inside buddypress.css?
    If you are using buddypress.css and using a child theme, where are you placing that file?




    I was been able to fix that issue on my site but unfortunately I can’t remember how I did it, it was a while ago… My buddypress site is heavily modified and I can’t track all the changes I made.

    One thing that I can tell you for sure is that I haven’t changed overflow to fixed inside #whats-new-option. I think I changed something in my child-theme’s style.css. Something that is not directly related to buddypress.

    I will look into it later when I will have time.




    In your child theme directory, create a folder named “js”. Copy the buddypress.js into that folder and make all the changes inside that file.

    If you are using buddypress 2.1 you will have to rename the file to buddypress.min.js (when buddypress 2.1.1 will be released you will probably have to rename it back to buddypress.js because it is 2.1 bug).

    Hope it helps.



    Can’t answer your question without looking at your website’s source code. The redirect function probably located on your child theme’s functions.php.



    Don’t understand what the issue is. Logged out users can see activity stream without the ability to post by default.



    Had the same issue with some other topic. Don’t remember what was the error message though.



    Same problem here.



    Found a solution. The function bp_activity_delete_comment doesn’t clear the cache. If someone here uses memcached put this code in your function.php

    function wtrp_comment_delete_cache( $activity_id, $comment_id ){
      wp_cache_delete( $activity_id, 'bp_activity_comments' );
    add_action( 'bp_activity_delete_comment', 'wtrp_comment_delete_cache' );






    Hi @sylmurray sorry for the late replay. Saw your post just now.
    It is located at bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single/profile/

    Copy the file to your child theme, create this directory structure:




    @danbp, thank you for the reply and for putting some effort.

    I’m familiar with that link and also checked bp-activity-filters.php before posted on this forum.
    I wouldn’t post here without trying to figure it out by myself.

    For some strange reason, when I tried to edit that file it haven’t done any change. Now I tried it again and it is working. Probably I was tired or something and did something wrong.

    Anyway, I wouldn’t go back to that file without you so thank you very much.



    Thanks for your reply @danbp, but it’s not what I meant. I want to remove the mention name from activity updates (or posts) not from the header.

    Buddypress wrap the mention name in a link. Instead of wrapping it, I want it to delete it completely. (the mention name should still presented in the database but not visible on activity updates). Maybe there is a way to add to that link a css class and set it to display:none. The problem is that I can’t find in the code where it wraps the mention name.









    For some reason it shows in the freshness that this topic is 1 years old.



    Nevermind, I already figured it out.

    Putting the function bp_the_profile_group_description() in profile-loop.php make it appear.

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