I ran into this problem as well. Albeit I’m using a very automated process on http://icontrolmysite.com to create blogs, I found that the query that the list makes is VERY distinct, and there for if certain fields in BP are not populated, the query failed.
I fixed this by ensuring that in my creation script I populated these fields:
$wpdb->query(“insert into {$wpdb->base_prefix}bp_user_blogs values(”,'{$newUserId}’,'{$newBlogId}’);”);
$wpdb->query(“insert into {$wpdb->base_prefix}bp_user_blogs_blogmeta values(”,'{$newBlogId}’,’name’,'{$site}’);”);
$wpdb->query(“insert into {$wpdb->base_prefix}bp_user_blogs_blogmeta values(”,'{$newBlogId}’,’description’,'{$site}’);”);
This doesn’t solve why it’s happening for everyone else, but it may shed light into the factors.