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  • I ended up removing buddypress all together.

    @mercime Thanks. That knowledge will help me in the future too.

    I only alphabetize the dashboard navbar not the BP nav bar.

    @mercime Again, the problem I’m having is that I don’t see an actually plugin on that page, just some code. I ended up posting there for clarification.

    @mercime Thanks. I don’t understand how to use that information though and the site says specifically to avoid “Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.”

    It doesn’t look like an actually plugin but code to add to something.

    I have installed the Suffusion BuddyPress Pack and it works correctly on one site but not the other. I will check there too.

    I understand now.

    I found the solution. I needed to add a tag to my child theme.

    I’m sorry, but that makes no sense to me. I’m not sure how google with help or changing my name, though I did it anyway but the only thing it changed was my login name. Now post – past or future shows in the activity stream.

    I continued to get the first error, but managed to get rid of the the memory problem. I continued to experiment and not it has been over 15 hours without and error. BP Group Hierarchy seems to be the trouble maker.

    What seems to have worked as least not errors today. The buddypress addons (BP Group Hierarchy, BP Group Organizer, BP Registration Groups) I activated them to the main site not network activate. The mymood stopped working so I deleted it.

    I also discovered two plugins were throwing errors (theme my login and contextual related post). So, deleted them too.

    Now, I’m not doing anything for a good 24 hours (other than add posts) and see it that holds.

    Will do. But, um, where do I find it. I can’t seem to find it (the php.ini file). Should I remove the
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);

    from the wp-confige.php?

    Oh and I did increase the memory allocation adding the line recommended in the codex and forums a few weeks ago.


    I had deactivated my plugins and then started to re-add them one by one. It is not an active community. It’s a a brand new site. I think I readded them to quickly, but I will try the reverse -to deactivate one by one.

    I think I’ve figured it out. It seems to be conflicting with Jetpack. When both are activated I have the problem. When I deactivate one or the other things clear up.

    Oh crude. I installed them both thinking I needed them both. When I uninstall the Template Pack it was resolved.

    Thank you.

    Thanks, but I need a bit more information. I’m not a coder so I don’t know where to begin. And since it only happens once a comment is added I don’t think it’s truly a width problem but a wrapping problem. Maybe?

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