16 years, 2 months ago
To me it seems like missing software on the server side.. it’s not GD though
Here’s a demonstration of my problem
16 years, 3 months ago
I’ve also noticed that for certain users who do have blogs, in their Profile it says ‘hasn’t created any blogs yet’
We’re interested in integrating a forum and defining new css next
ps: we’re having issues with cropping of avatars
Ok the permissions are correct, so I’m not sure what the problem is here.
The image uploads fine.
The actual selector does not appear, nor does the preview image below it.
I am thinking there is missing software on my server, does anyone know what this script requires?
I’m able to crop avatars on testbp.org so this is not a browser issue
any help much appreciated,
I have discovered that my server assigns ownership of the blogs.dir recursively to nobody:nobody, which cannot be right. So I am assuming this is not a buddypress issue but a server configuration one