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  • @stefwilliams


    I was having this same issue and none of the posted solutions was working. In the end, it turned out that it was because the filename of the avatar image was the problem (I presume too long).
    Basically, I was testing uploading an autogenerated filename (32203c6ae1bc3723a3432a38b1185490-bpthumb.jpg).
    This failed with the non-descript error: There was a problem cropping the avatar.
    I shortened the filename, and BAM! all works fine.
    In that none of the posts I’ve seen around this problem suggest the filename as being a problem, I thought I’d post my solution.
    (May be worth adding an error check to bp-core-avatars.php ?)



    I was having this same issue and none of the posted solutions was working. In the end, it turned out that it was because the filename of the avatar image was the problem (I presume too long).
    Basically, I was testing uploading an autogenerated filename (32203c6ae1bc3723a3432a38b1185490-bpthumb.jpg).
    This failed with the non-descript error: There was a problem cropping the avatar.
    I shortened the filename, and BAM! all works fine.
    In that none of the posts I’ve seen around this problem suggest the filename as being a problem, I thought I’d post my solution.
    (May be worth adding an error check to bp-core-avatars.php ?)



    Thought I’d replied to this earlier. Have already put i the bug report – Apologies if it’s a repeat – didn’t see anything similar when I searched.



    Have just tried using Twenty Twelve, and now, rather than giving a page not found error, it redirects to:
    Basically still ignoring the setting in BP Admin.
    I assume it’s a bug that’ll be fixed, but do you know if there is a filter I can use to over-ride it in the meantime?




    Yeah seems to. It is the 1.7 dev version though. I’ll give it a go with twenty twelve theme just to check tomorrow, but it just seems to be ignoring the admin setting completely, so I don’t know that it’ll be theme related.



    Yeah, that one is set to point to /activate. As I say, that page does actually work, but the link to the page isn’t correct in the activation email.
    The email always has the default wp-activate instead of the page defined in BP settings.



    Yes, I have a page for registration, /register. This is the page I use to create the new accounts. (Which then have the incorrect activation links)
    Is that what you mean?



    Actually, to answer some of my own questions, it seems item_id is only the group id for a first message (which these types of message will always be).

    secondary_id is used if there’s a reply/comment to a message, so for these purposes I can keep it as 0.

    And the mptt values get updated with new replies and comments, so, again, for first messages such as the ones I’ll be inserting, a value of 0 for everything should be fine.

    Would still like to know if there’s a BP function I can use to do the job though – and any potential pitfalls I might be missing. I am by no means an experienced coder…





    Just had a quick look using dev tools in Chrome, and it looks like the hover tab issue is because you’ve got a border-bottom set on a:hover, as well as various other anchor hovers. Either look through and remove all of those, or add a bottom border to the ‘unhovered’ state.

    and the positioning of the select box is because of:

    div.item-list-tabs ul li.last {
    margin: 7px 20px 0 0;

    You could try changing the right margin (the 20px one) on that…

    It’s well worth using dev tools if you don’t already. Open Chrome and press F12. For anchor hover states and such to chow, make sure you select the ‘show inherited’ box. Then, you can select the magnifying glass tool and hover over items of interest in the main region which will highlight the relevant CSS in the panel below.
    (Sorry if you know about this – don’t mean to patronize, but the info might be useful for others).

    Good luck.

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