I have a WP multisite installation http://www.somemultisite.com and I want a buddypress installation in one of the subsite http://www.somesubsitewithbuddypress.com. So i installed the plugin, network activated and installed the theme and all.. and all is good, the problem is that buddy press changed my admin-bar throughout the multisite instead of just for the sub-site.
Anybody familiar with this issue? I don’t want to have the subsitewithbuddypress.com to have anything to do with the primary somemultisite.com . No interference.
I have these on the code:
define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 7 ) ;
define ( ‘BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR’, true ); /* Turning this on/off only enabled or disabled the buddy press admin bar.
So my question is where goes my main admin bar? Also, can i have this BP admin enabled only for the subsite with buddypress?