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Forum Replies Created

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  • @tahirtaous


    i tried to remove Viisit Radom Member, Random Group And Random Site from BuddyBar successfully, Here is link for you how to make changes, edit BuudyBar.
    Hope this will help.



    Actually i want to display only titles of posts from categories and tags, i mean if some one click on category or tag only post titles should display from that category or tag, and i want to dispaly 30 post on each page.
    please help how can i do this ?



    i was getting the same error. “Sorry, there were no forum topics found.” on my site Funjog.Net
    I just uninstalled all the plug ins and than i tried to post new forum topics and i was able to create new forums topics.
    After creating some forum topics i installed and activate plug in again and everything was fine. Now i am able to post new forums topics and my plug ins are also activated.
    So just uninstall all your plug ins and than try to create new forum topics.
    Hope this will also work for you.



    if you have a back up/copy of bp-custopm.php and function.php just upload them and replace files that you have modified. i was also getting this error after modifying profile.php and bp-custom.php.
    i had downloaded the back up copies of profile.php and bp-custom.php before making any changes to these files.
    when i got this error i just uploaded back up files and replace files that i had modified, and everything was fine. I was able to log in successfully to my dashboard.

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