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  • @tatiana_k


    There’s no ‘Edit’ link for Administrators. Only ‘Remove’ and ‘View’. 🙁
    And wp-admin > Activity isn’t available as well.

    But thanks to your answer I’ve found this line in network user settings: ‘Grant this user super admin privileges for the Network.’ It allows users to do literally everything even if they are just Participants.

    Not the best management system but here we go. 🙂



    Here’s the solution how to use Nouveau theme hooks.
    It’s a bit complicated, but I’ve not found a way easier. And no other instructions.

    1. Find the hook you need.
    2. Search through the buddypress files and find the function with the same name (hook is a function, so find the source).
    In my example it’s function bp_nouveau_xprofile_hook($when = ”, $suffix = ”) {} (code reference page)
    3. Write down the array with all $hook components.
    Here they are bp/after/profile/loop_content
    I’d like to say that the pattern is
    but here I had to change xprofile to profile, so the source code is still essential.
    4. Merge the array with _ (bp_after_profile_loop_content)
    5. Congratulations! We’ve got a custom action name and can continue with add_action().

    Honestly, I don’t understand why it has to be so complicated now, but here we are.



    As you can see I have already compared it.
    In first case I used add_action() function.
    What function should I use with the second one?



    I just uploaded 2.9.4 pack and unpacked it. Works fine.

    I hope all the issues are fixed soon.



    Comment buttons aren’t shown in Groups for ordinary users (neither for Group members nor for Group Admins). Only Site Admin can see them. Favorites and Delete Buttons are in their places.

    I tried both Nouveau and Legacy themes, no console errors.

    I suppose these two comments issues are actually the same issue.



    I increased memory limit to make the Panel work. The problem can be marked as solved, I think.

    This BP version seems to be really memory consuming…



    I was posting it to Troubleshooting, not to Installing.
    Can’t fine Edit button. 🙁

    If there any way this topic can be moved to Troubleshooting?

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