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How does MediaPress compare to rtMedia? Does it also work with bbPress? I’m surprised I’ve never heard of it, but I’m getting curious.
And @jrunfitpro, rtMedia is another option. I believe it also used to be referred to as BuddyPress Media.
Try saving your permalinks again through /wp-admin/options-permalink.php
If that doesn’t work, turn on your debug logs for WordPress through wp-config.php and come back with the errors that show up.
Add to your CSS:
#profile-edit-form .field_1 { display: none; }
It’ll hide it, but it’s possible to still edit if the user knows how to use an inspection tool like Firebug or Chrome Inspector. You can also use a Javascript method, but a user can disable JS to get around that as well.
I doubt anyone will try to get around it, though.
Can you paste the contents of your bp-custom.php here (or somewhere like Pastebin with a link if it’s really large).
Also, if you’re using a caching plugin, make sure it’s deactivated. Also try refreshing your page with a hard refresh a couple of times using CTRL+F5.
Ah, gotcha. Alright, so if you want to remove the Mentions tab in user profiles, you’ll need to add this to your bp-custom.php or functions.php file:
add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'remove_mention_tab', 999 ); function remove_mention_tab() { global $bp; bp_core_remove_subnav_item($bp->activity->slug, 'mentions'); }
To remove the latest update portion in profiles, I think the easiest solution is to open up the member-header.php file located in your theme. It’ll be in a folder called either buddypress or community:
Find the following line and remove it:
<span class="activity"><?php bp_last_activity( bp_displayed_user_id() ); ?></span>
If you can’t find that file in there, it’s because the theme author hasn’t edited it specifically for the theme. You can simply drop it in the folder if it’s not there and then edit it. It’s originally located in the /plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single folder
I just gave it a shot, you’re right. It works and it doesn’t. It doesn’t send notification emails to the user, nor does it send them notifications on-site. It also doesn’t make the username a clickable link. But it still shows up in the “Latest Update” portion in profiles.
How does it work on your end (or I suppose NOT work)? And if not a custom one, which WordPress theme are you using?
EDIT: Actually, I just woke up and realized that it works completely on my end. The latest update portion part confused me for a second because I remove that on my development websites and I’m not used to ever seeing it.
The above is a bit redundant now, but I’ll leave it. Can you say exactly what it is that you’re trying to do? Are you trying to remove the functionality of mentions when a user starts typing the @ symbol and the username?
That’s quite a lot of plugins. The best move you can make right now is to deactivate all of them. Once you’ve done that, see if the pages work. If they do, then that’s where the real job starts: activating each one until you find the culprit.
But before doing that, have you made sure you’re logged out before visiting those pages? Nothing will show up if you’re already logged in.
Add this to either bp-custom.php in your plugins folder or to your theme’s functions.php file. It should work for your child theme.
add_filter( 'bp_activity_do_mentions', '__return_false' );
Keep in mind that copying+pasting from this forum might not be wise, since it doesn’t seem to preserve code. Either retype the line above or paste it into something like Notepad first.
It’s essentially a social network plugin for WordPress. Check out the about page:
WangGuard is a great plugin. I had about a dozen spam registrations every day before installing it. With it installed, I haven’t yet gotten a spam registration.
The easiest way I can think of is to copy the needed files over from the BuddyPress plugin (members/single/something.php), and place them into your theme, removing its contents or placing a redirect into the files.
Here’s a great example of a large WP/BuddyPress/bbPress-made community:
I have a couple of sites I’m working on myself, though they’re not good examples as I haven’t fully completed them and zero advertising has gone in as of now (though they are live).
That’ll do it for ya. Sorry if my post wasn’t as clear as it should have been — I personally need to edit every file when I create my bbPress themes.
Put the bbPress theme files into your WordPress theme directory:
In yourtheme/css place the bbpress.css file
In yourtheme/bbpress, place all of the files you need to edit. Most of them (I believe):bbpress/content-archive-forum.php
bbpress/user-topics-created.phpBP Default still comes packaged with BuddyPress, and it will for a while until it’s phased out. By then we’ll be seeing the theme on, though I believe there’s one already up.
Add this to bp-custom.php to have it show in your WordPress appearances:
add_filter( 'bp_do_register_theme_directory', '__return_true' );
I think we’re a bit confused because this is a native feature of one of BuddyPress’ default components. In Admin CP -> Settings -> BuddyPress Components you find one called Account Settings.
Allow your users to modify their account and notification settings directly from within their profiles.
The link should be, though there should be a tab in the profile itself:
Replace example and USERNAME.
Yep. Though be sure to add the php tags in the file. So:
<?php function custom_wp_mail_from( $email ) { $handle = 'laurentdesserrey'; $find = 'http://'; $replace = ''; $link = get_bloginfo( 'url' ); $domain = str_replace( $find, $replace, $link ); return $handle . '@' . $domain ; } add_filter( 'wp_mail_from', 'custom_wp_mail_from' ); ?>
Paste that into a file and you’ll be good to go.
Create a file called functions.php for your child theme. It’ll use the same name. What the quote above means is that the functions within that file should be named differently within the files (so you wouldn’t use the same two functions in both files, as it’ll cause problems).
Since this code isn’t in your bp-default functions.php, you’re fine to paste it in your child theme’s functions.
Or if you use Theme My Login, you don’t need to do this and can customize the emails.
With the latest BuddyPress, you can simply add the My Profile link directly from the menu in your admin CP. Or am I reading what you want incorrectly?
Does this plugin require the friend connections to function? If not, you can just disable the setting in your Admin CP. Settings -> BuddyPress -> untick “Friend Connections” in the Components tab.
That works as well. Though I’m always skeptical about all browsers using the second property out of two identical selectors, so I end up using priority in other ways.
Also remember that CSS has priorities. Even if important! isn’t present, you can override CSS by being more specific, thus giving it a higher priority.
Example. When viewing a user’s activity page:
form#whats-new-form { width: auto; }
.activity form#whats-new-form { width: 700px; }
The second selector’s property would cancel out the first because it’s more specific.
I found rtMedia to be great when I was testing it. I know you mentioned it’s not working, but it’s honestly the most quality media plugin I’ve found for BuddyPress. I think if you’re having this many problems with plugins, you might want to see if it’s your theme that’s causing these errors. Otherwise if you find other plugins, those may not work as well.
You can do this by creating your own theme. For this to become core, I don’t see it happening. There’s just too much information to be shown on one page. Though if you provide some sort of mockup, that might give it a better chance of being considered.
Ah, sorry about that. I misread your question.
This StackOverflow answer is perfect for your needs:
You basically need to use Javascript to do something like this, else your shadow will always show up.
You can put that Javascript either in <script> tags in your template’s header.php or put it in a file and enqueue it in your functions.php
Basically, change #my_fixable_table_header in the javascript to your own id, which would be #header #searchbar and change the myHeader.addClass(‘fixed’) to something like myHeader.addClass(‘scroll-shadow’)
Add a class to your CSS called .scroll-shadow (which you’re now adding a class for based on your scrolling) and put your box-shadow in there. Make sure to remove it otherwise from your #header #searchbar.
You can check the answer in that link to see a working example to toy around with.