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Hey Gary ( @ecksteing ),
You might have already observed BuddyPress is nothing but a plugin for WordPress.
Well, as of now there is no such ready made arrangement for the same but Andy has worked on an open source plugin that gives BuddyPress Features into WordPress theme.
I have not tested this but I think this may be helpful to you.Keep in touch!
I got into same situation and found solution based on @jotem ‘s filter
You can use bp_core_get_userlink($user->id) instead of bp_core_get_userurl($user->id). But its lil bit tricky.
bp_core_get_userlink ($user_id) function returns anchor tag and echo it on the screen. So the login redirection process is halted .Instead of that,
function rt_login_redirect($redirect_to, $set_for, $user){
$redirect_to = bp_core_get_user_domain($user->id);
return $redirect_to;
add_filter(‘login_redirect’, ‘rt_login_redirect’, 20, 3);
bp_core_get_user_domain() function will give the profile url without echoing anything.
One more important thing is priority in add_filter of login_redirect. Make sure that your function executes @ the last.One more tricky situation is many time business logic is such a that the redirection process must be done depending on the type of the user. In that case, you have $user->id in rt_login_redirect(). Once you get the user_id, you can put business logic and modify $redirect_to according to your need!
P.S. Trying to echo any value in this function will give u output but the redirection process will not complete.
@arxpoetica @damainman @hnla Are you looking for same???This looks interesting…I will definitely try my hand on this soon and try to contribute here…as heavy weight buddypress Apps do have speed issue, I have come across situations where loading time is an issue and this will help…
@travel-junkie May I know What Kinda DB error you have got?
Anyway, We are adding more features like Privacy, album n more…. So stay tuned
Template is not loading in case of WordPress single user…but the same code works on WPMU…
if ( $bp->current_component == BP_EXAMPLE_SLUG && !$bp->is_single_item &&
$bp->is_directory = true;
bp_example_load_template( ‘example/index’ );
and I have implemented bp_example_load_template function as given by MrMaz.
Anybody having same problem???
I am using WP 2.9.1 (Single user) with BP1.2 RC2 and WPMU with BP 1.2 RC2
It works…nice one MrMaz…!!! n also looking forward to oEmbed API of BP Links… Gr8 piece of work….!!!
Hey all,
Much awaited Buddypress 1.1.x compatible version of this component is out…
Please check out for more information
Added Two New Widgets :
1. Recently added Photos
2. Recently added Videos
Hey Jeff Thanks!It worked!
It seems screen_function is mandatory here…! Where Codex says its optional.(
Hi All,
We (rtCamp) are very pleased the way we are getting response.
Thanks a lot!
Please raise any issue or feature suggestion on issue tracker
Our team is working on this component and ASAP, new features/upgrades will be available.
Hello Everyone,
I am a lead developer from rtCamp and we are very pleased to introduce Buddypress-Kaltura
plugin. ( )
Updates will be available on following soon…so please say tuned
1. KalturaCE integration.
2. Buddypress 1.1.x version will be available.
3. Some new features will also be included.
Please give us feedback and suggestions.
My bp component working fine in 1.0.2 but giving me warning in 1.1.1
I replaced
__( ‘Example’, ‘example ),
$args = array(
‘name’ => __( ‘Example’, ‘example’ ),
‘slug’ => $bp->example->slug,
‘item_css_id’ => false,
‘show_for_displayed_user’ => true,
‘site_admin_only’ => false,
‘position’ => 99,
‘screen_function’ => false,
‘default_subnav_slug’ => false
but giving me warning
call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ” was given in /opt/lampp/htdocs/wordpress-mu4/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 414
Thanks in advance