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  • @tednopple


    Or maybe a way to change the activation link redirect?



    I am using the plugin “Terms of Use” it is the third option when you search for the plugin.

    It does not show up on the registration form (at least not for the them I am using) but there is an option to do so (perhaps with other themes) and shortcode.

    It however shows up on the registered user’s dashboard and they have to agree to it before they can begin using it.



    @Hugo. Thanks that is good to know. That is what I figured was the case (see my 5th post to this thread, 9th reply) , but alas no one was able to describe that before I found the video for the plugin method from the link @Aces provided, which worked perfectly. Also, instead of saying “Members of the BP community have had success using: WP Mail SMTP” the advice Buddy Press FAQ gives for this problem should explain what you’ve explained.

    But as you said, without detailed knowledge abut the server and or hired tech help, it is difficult to solve that problem. @Whisprr, I recommend the plugin method BuddyPress suggests for now as you try to find the underlying problem. For me, I am using a credible host and simply used a “one click install” for wordpress. I am not sure why my email is not working properly (btw, the mail didn’t go to spam–the email server just rejects the message all together, according to the debug test) and don’t really have the time, knowledge or resources to deal with it immediately.




    Thank you @Aces for answering and being helpful. All seems to be working now. I will post the solution below for those, like @Whisprr, who have the same problem:

    Basically, the “WP Mail SMTP” plugin method from the link Aces provided worked. I just think the link is very vague and doesn’t explain at all how these plugins are supposed to help or what exactly you are supposed to do with them–it just says ‘most people found these helpful’. So I had to watch this youtube video, which explained how to solve the issue using the WP Mail SMTP, step by step:

    Watch it! I would just skip the part about using the FTP to finish installing the plugin (skip 3:00-6:20). The plugin should install perfectly fine.

    Essentially, anyone who has the activation/registration email problem needs to download the “WP Mail SMTP” plugin and then enter the correct settings, as described in the video. I ran into a problem (mentioned earlier in this post) because GMAIL does not allow the plugin access to the account and labels it as suspicious activity–this kept returning an error message in the debug (test email). I also didn’t feel comfortable putting my real email’s username and password, un-hidden, into the username and password form, so I created a new YAHOO account especially for sending emails from my wordpress blog instead of my normal account, to use for this plugin.

    It worked! The debug/test email did not return an error and when I tested the registration for my site, I finally received the activation email–albeit buried in my spam folder.

    Hopefully this helps others because BuddyPress and Word Press do not make it clear that this needs to be done in order to SEND (rather than receive) email from your account or for member registration to work–this is why many people who are Word Press novices can become confused when site registration doesn’t work.



    I am new to BuddyPress and creating a site using

    Any idea as to what address/program sends the activation email? That is, what defualt email address do the activation emails come from? And is it WordPress, BuddyPress or my host that sends out the email?

    Should I have done some configuring to this address first?



    after changing some of the plugin settings, I get:

    SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server: (0)

    The following From address failed:



    Aces, I’m not sure how to read the report , but the error messages are:

    SMTP -> FROM SERVER:554 5.7.1 : Recipient address rejected: Access denied

    SMTP -> ERROR: RCPT not accepted from server: 554 5.7.1 : Recipient address rejected: Access denied

    SMTP Error: The following recipients failed:



    Hi Aces,

    I meant to write in the original post that the emails are not in the trash/spam/junk folders.

    Also, I’ve visited the link you posted and the only advice given is:

    Members of the BP community have had success using:

    I installed the WP Mail SMTP plugin and resent the activation key. Still, no email.

    WP did/does send me admin emails without a problem.



    Hi Aces,

    I meant to write in the original post that it does not go the junk/spam or trash folders either.

    Also, I’ve visited the link you posted and the only advice it gives is:

    Members of the BP community have had success using:

    It doesn’t elaborate on how these plugins are supposed to help, but I installed the WP Mail SMTP, anyway.

    I resent the activation key and still no email. WordPress did/does send me admin emails with no problems

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