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Alan, you don’t have to use the BP Default OR the other plugin to create your own theme. You can create whatever theme you want if you know how. Just tag your style.css with ‘buddypress’ and it will show as a buddypress ready theme. The assumption is that you’ll know how to build that template.
I would say that most people don’t really know how to go about building a template from scratch yet, but as Buddypress gets bigger and more documentation is available, then it will become more commonplace.
I hate to do it… but… BUMP! Could really do with some help here!
Also – just in case anyone was wondering, or if it helps at all…
when I try to free-type someone’s name into the TO box on a normal compose page, the ajax never finds anyone… ajax problem??
@mercime thank you – that worked a treat
Sorry… again… but as before, I really need some idea on this…
Sorry… but I would love an answer on this
Anyone got any ideas??
I personally use: “ – which shows the number of unread messages you have in your inbox
Hi James, it depends on where you want this to show as to where you put it. I have mine in a footer file, because my client wanted a footer menu, but if you want this in your navigation, you’d have to either hard-code your nav or hook it into the end of your nav somehow.
How are you generating your top level navigation at the moment?
1) all in the css. the default theme is all based on percentages with some max-width’s in place. If you want to change that to a fixed width, run through the code via firebug and check out where the widths are coming from and simply change them in your css.
2) yes, this is your friend here:
global $current_user; // Get user’s informationget_currentuserinfo();
$user_email =$current_user->user_email;
$home_link = get_option(‘home’);
`<a href="” class=”profile”>View My Profile `
`<a href="” class=”messages” title=”Messages”>Messages (10)`
and so on…
Actually, if you add new fields into the BASE group, they do show on the registration page. It is important that you add them to the base group though, not another group.
No real coding knowledge needed, just some css changes
`body { width:auto; }`
`container, header { width:1060px; margin:0 auto; } /* SET YOUR WIDTH HERE */`
`body#bp-default #wp-admin-bar .padder {
min-width: 960px;
max-width: 960px;
}`Then just match up the footer and admin bar etc… all fairly straightforward css stuff
but make sure you do it in a child theme, never in the default theme’s css, otherwise your changes will get overwritten when you update
Adding them isn’t a problem at all, (although I am sure you know this, sorry if I am being over-simple) you just go to the dashboard, go to buddypress -> profile fields and then add the ones you want in there. You’d need to create a hook into the sign-up process to then restrict the sign-up based on age though, which becomes more complex
Indeed I have modem, thanks buddy
The good thing is, that until this JS loads, they just see mystery man.
Thanks again to everyone in the thread who has helped me to get what I wanted to do, done so easily.
Thanks Modemlooper – I found a sneaky little way using some jquery.
if anyone is interested
`$(‘li.external_blogs > div > div.activity-header > p > a:nth-child(2)’).each(function(index) {
var TWTName = $(this).attr(“href”);
var TWTUser = TWTName.replace(‘’, ‘ ‘);
$(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().children(‘div.activity-avatar’).children(‘a’).attr(‘href’, TWTName);
$(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().children(‘div.activity-avatar’).children(‘a’).children(‘img’).attr(‘src’, TWTUser);
May not be the most elegant method, but it works
Hi all, thanks so much for the great feedback, I now have this pretty much working as i’d like via the external blogs plugin, which is fantastic.
A question I have, is would it then be possible to grab the user’s twitter avatar and replicate it on my activity stream? It will just help me to avoid having 100s of mystery men avatars everywhere.
Boone, thank you so much! I have been tearing my hair out on this!!
Thanks mate
Thank you again Hugo, I will do that
Thank you Hugo, I will take a look into the skeleton component. If anyone can add anything to this, it’d be most appreciated too
Ah, I have actually used that for something else, and whilst it works very well, it doesn’t add the whole ‘user blogs’ as I need them really – bit of a shame