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Customizing the Registration page

  • @oryanmcentire


    I am wondering the best way to customize the fields on the registration page.

    I want to limit the fields to a little as possible to encourage registrations. As it is now, including all profile fields on the registration page is kind of daunting as a new user with no investment in the site yet, and not totally necessary for sign up. (at least for me)

    My intention is to have them fill out the necessities and then on activation be sent to their profile and be encouraged to fill in the rest. That part I’m good with. It’s just the customizing of the form I am having some trouble with.

    Ideally what i’d like to do is have only

    Full name
    user name
    password (no confirm password)

    I’ve taken a look at the register.php file but I’m not totally sure what’s going on here.
    If i remove any required fields, say the confirm password, validation errors occur, due to the password not being entered twice. (which makes sense, but how should i properly deactivate this?)

    I know there are some plugins that can kind of maybe sort of do this with some figity trickery but that doesn’t help me understand whats actually going on.

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  • @oryanmcentire


    In fact, if there was a good way to just manually create a new registration form and have it submit to the right place I’d be all for that!






    Dashboard menu BuddyPress > Profile Fields.
    Note that any fields in the “Base” group will appear on the signup page == registration page. So create another xprofile group for the fields which could be answered at a later date.



    I understand that I can create new groups of fields that won’t appear on the registration page.
    But that still does not allow me to edit what is on the actual registration page that gets rendered.

    The problem is with the way buddy press builds the registration form using only the one default field in the base group (name).

    I suppose I am looking for direction in building my own form. If any one else has done anything like it. Any particular hooks I need to plug into to submit and send the fields to the appropriate places.

    Even just pointing me in the right direction would be helpful. Buddypress functions always seem to be a labyrinth of nested functions and loops that i tend to get lost in with no frame of reference for what they are actually doing.

    Or is there any documentation on how the registration process works in buddypress?



    Actually, if you add new fields into the BASE group, they do show on the registration page. It is important that you add them to the base group though, not another group.



    *facepalms* I feel like I’m either doing a horrible job explaining or my original post isn’t getting read…

    I understand how the groups work. My question was how can i remove and restructure some of the fields that are automatically set up by buddypress.

    My end goal is to minimize the amount of steps the new user needs to do in order to sign up.

    For instance:
    currently buddypress requires the “name” the “username” the “email” and the “password”
    you cannot get rid of those. I get that and I understand why.

    But I would like to eliminate the extra password field. And possibly even automate the username creation.

    Even understanding how the registration page works a little better, would allow me to eliminate all the forms and only allow sign up via single facebook button.



    I cant help with your problem but perhaps you could help me with mine. First There is no registration or activation page coming up at all in my site. Second how do you search this FORUM?




    First, if you have a different problem start a new thread.
    You need to make sure you have turned on “Anyone can register” under settings > general
    then you need to make sure your registration and activation pages are set up in the buddypress settings.

    Second, you can’t currently search these forums. Extremely annoying and frustrating. Not to mention notifications and activity don’t seem to be working either so you have to search through the forum every time you want to check on your threads.



    I would like to customize the register page with more fields like Phone, Address, FAX, Office Address, interest Topics, country, state, pincode and so on. So please anyone help me.




    @James – to add more profile fields to registration, go to your dashboard and under ‘Users’, choose Profile Fields. Add as necessary.

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