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  • @themightymo


    @gentlemanhog – If it works, then it doesn’t matter where it is. 🙂

    The conventional wisdom is to keep things out of functions.php unless they are theme-specific. In your case, I would say this function belongs someplace other than the theme’s functions.php file.



    @mercime – Wha wha whaaa?! You are not all-knowing?!?! 😉



    @bp-help – Thanks for checking. Now that I am looking at it further, I don’t see where said status update would appear. Is this an antiquated feature of I remember seeing status updates in my profile on the old design, but maybe they were phased out of the new design.



    Will you clarify what your goal is here?

    Removing usernames from the activity stream will make the activity stream pretty worthless, right? Were you hoping to replace usernames with nicenames or something like that?



    Are you saying that you want the notifications to be on the left side next to “My Sites”?



    @ljvd – If you can wait a little while, BuddyPress 1.7 will work with pretty much any theme in the world.

    That said, the default BuddyPress theme has a pretty solid fluid width that scales well for mobile. It is a great place to start, plus you can rest easy knowing that it is well-supported!



    @modemlooper – Thanks for posting this link!



    As you indicated, this looks to be a theme issue. Your best bet is to contact the author of the huddle theme.



    You could add “/forum” to the end of the permalinks on “groups/groups-loop.php” of your theme.



    My issue had to do with CAPTCHAs not loading properly. We went back and forth for a week before they finally fixed something on their end to make it work properly.

    I gathered that they lock down write permissions on the server, and the settings were set incorrectly on my account. Like I said, they ultimately fixed the problem, but I was underwhelmed by their support in the sense that, initially, they said it was my fault when, in fact, it was theirs.



    This link offers an alternate solution:

    You might also look into custom walkers for the WordPress menu.



    You could replicate the styles in the plugin and then manually create a menu via your theme. Would that suit your needs?



    I had an odd experience on WP Engine as well. In my case, pushing their support team to correct the problem via the WP Engine ticket system led to a solution. Unfortunately, it took a lot of nudging before they took action.



    One other thing that I don’t know the answer to is how BuddyPress keys are connected to the WordPress registration process. For example, does WordPress generate the key, or is it BuddyPress that is generating the key?

    If WordPress is generating the key, then the answer might be further down the line.



    This doesn’t solve your problem, but if you have not yet launched, you might wait until BP 1.7 is released. It will have theme compatibility built into core, so you won’t need bp-template-pack.



    There are smarter people around these forums than me, but I will try to help.

    It looks like you haven’t defined the $key variable or have not passed it properly.

    Perhaps try digging into bp-members-functions.php and figuring out a way to extract the $key variable. See the line:
    `$user_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE meta_key = ‘activation_key’ AND meta_value = %s”, $key ) );`



    If you want to hide stuff but want it to be available to Google, you could use CSS and/or jQuery to hide things. Check out this post about how to add BuddyPress-specific body classes:

    CSS Body Class for BuddyPress Group Moderators and Admins

    Here is a post that might help if you want to hide everything from Google:



    Which version of PHP are you using on the server? It looks like others have experienced similar issues with php 5.4:



    Please post a link to your site.



    Try disabling all plugins. Does that fix the issue?



    @zachary-dubois – All three of the plugins I mention are Multi-site and BuddyPress-compatible. I also recommend SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam.



    But if your function works in BP Default, then the function isn’t the problem – the theme is the problem.

    Please post any differences in the activity stream code in your custom theme vs. BP Default.



    Got it. I just wanted to make sure that the functionality does, indeed, work in BP Default. Assuming this to be the case, what is different between your theme’s php markup and the BP Default theme’s php markup?

    I know there will be some big differences in php markup between the two, but if it works in BP Default and not in your custom theme, then perhaps a straight-up comparison will help.



    @amaish, Your best bet is to contact the theme author directly and see if that person can fix the issue.



    Are you seeing any javascript errors in Chrome inspector on the avatar upload and cropping pages?

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