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  • @tibbles


    Thank you Hugo. Worked like a charm. Big hug! :-)



    I’ve found a fix!

    Version: 3.1 Configure SMTP mailing in WordPress, including support for sending e-mail via SSL/TLS (such as GMail).
    Have downloaded, activated and set up the smpt setting – while talking to my web site host company. Mail was sent – copy to me and to the ‘new user’. Works perfectly now.

    I’ve also deleted the other users who tried to register.



    I’ve found this plugin, installed it, and tried to register. Now the page that says an email will be sent no longer shows. Nor does it send an email.

    Plugin = Mail From = Version 1.0.1

    A WordPress plugin that allows you to change the default email address that WordPress sends it’s email from, and the name of the sender.

    So removing this plugin….. :-(

    I now also need to remove the email addresses of the people who have tried to register and did not get a confirmation email – so that they can register again when the thing is working! How do I do this? I can’t seem any admin facility to check on who has tried to register.

    Please help – this is now becoming a nightmare. I have two govenment bodies now sending people to the site.



    Further to the above post – here is some more info on my BuddyPress setup

    Directories – Associate a WordPress Page with each BuddyPress component directory.
    Activity Streams = Activity (page shows on menu = ok)
    Discussion Forums = None (but page shows on menu = ok)
    Members = Members (page shows on menu = ok)
    Portfolio = None (no page shows on menu = ??)
    Register = Register (no page shows on menu, but there is a right side bar with block for members to input their details and click on submit for membership, this block works, and opens a page informing the person to expect an email to confirm their membership – but no email is ever received…)
    Activate = Activate (no page shows on menu = ??)



    I’ve done the following:
    1. If you do not have access of PHP.ini file then add this to an .htaccess file of your domain:
    php_value memory_limit 256M
    2. Try to add this line to your wp-config.php file to increase allocated memory to PHP:
    define(’WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);
    3. Deleted the plugin folder

    WP admin works! Was sweating blood. I’m too afraid to install this plugin now.



    Theme is: BuddyPress Default

    When clicking on a tab of the menu – (not blog posts) currently all pages display the page name – which makes it look unprofessional. The contents of the page clearly indicate what the page should be – no need for a display of the page name. How does one ‘hide’ this? If deleting it is too complex for me then I’ll settle for just hiding the name.

    Thank you for the response.



    Ignore last request. Sorry I’m being dumb. All is well. Again, thank you for the help!



    Thank you very much!

    The forum page now displays with the one forum topic I created.
    Now how do logged in users create a forum? There is no option to create a new forum.
    Or is it only the site admin that can create a forum?



    No need to help. I uninstalled ‘font’. Saw in the dashboard the Ultimate TinyMCE
    (Install). Installed it. And now I have true options on my visual editing bar.

    Please close this topic. Apologies for the bother.



    Thank you very much!



    Thanks Hugo. May I ask for some stepped help here please? This is not just for me – I need the body font by default to be 16px. So as I write a new para I do not need to go to the HTML side all the time to set parametres for font size – which is truly inconvenient – and fiddly for the layman. It is only after I’ve done all my typing that I will go and do font changes. (Have to clean up my home page of my website – a mess of fonts as it was done in an outside HTML editor and putting it into wordpress truly made a mess – but I ran out of time.)
    1) Guide to the exact location of file(s) to edit
    3) Guide to the exact script lines that I must edit
    4) The changes.

    I will log in to the konsole – find the file and copy. Then open the original and edit with your indicated changes – right?
    If all is well the site should load still….. :-)
    If not – delete original and rename the copy back to the original.

    This should keep me safe – right?
    Again, thanks very, very much for the help.

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