Forum Replies Created
@modemlooper I tried now, it’s not working.
WP 2.5.1, BP 1.7, bbpress 2.2.4
Sitewide and group forums have gone in BP 1.7 but before upgrading to 1.7, at BP installation I unchecked “Discussion forums” option.
The problem persists if I deactivate BP plugin. I know, you’ll say now it’s not BP’s problem. And you’are right.
I tried to find a solution on WP and bbpress forums as well, without success.Someone suggested to add an exception in .htaccess for admin-ajax.php, but I don’t know how to do this.
I tried:
AuthType Basic
AuthName “wp-admin”
require valid-user
AuthUserFile “/home/vssracin/.htpasswds/public_html/vssracing/wp-admin/passwd”
Files “admin-ajax.php”>
Satisfy any
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
`but it’s not working (with correct “<". If I put these here the entire Files lines disappear).
Any idea?
Thank you.@ryanhellyer Because I make use of BuddyPress I installed “Spam Destroyer version 1.4.3 beta” plugin.
The immediate consequence was that any attempt to post or create a new topic ended in “ERROR: Your reply cannot be empty.”
I had to disable it for now.
I found no setting for this plugin and I agree to help you test it. Be aware I’m not a developer, just a WP regular user.
How do we proceed?@megainfo Great. Where should I add this line? (don’t, please, think what I think you’re thinking)
Thanks.@mercime I don’t! :=)
Still, I haven’t found any solution yet and I have removed .htaccess from the /wp-admin, for now.
Forums are not new with WP, .htaccess isn’t either. How come that I’m the only one with this problem?