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  • @timschmi


    The noiserub-protokol is very simular to the open stack. So you can built decentralised networks. It would be very nice to have support for is in Buddypress.

    Applications with the NoseRub protocol keep information about profile data for each of the contacts. These profiles get synchronised between the applications/social networks … and can be used by any other NoseRub service. NoseRub uses already available standards like OpenID, RSS and FOAF to provide the goal of having a truely decentralised social network.



    In my point of view. Both features are very importend.

    – Inappropriate content flagging

    – “Privacy Plugin”



    The feature is sooooo cool. Test it on:



    You can enable the theme-editor in the Script mu.php in wp-admin. But be carefull because users than write php-code.

    For more information you can look here:



    Hello, today we talked about our Wiki-Plugin.

    There three elements involved.

    1.) Buddypress Wiki-Component (Based on the Buddypress Group-Component)

    2.) Wiki-Box. (The interface to create and manage PmWikis)

    3.) A normal PmWiki with no changes.

    We hope to get a new version of the wiki-box in the next 4 weeks. We need that to integrate PmWiki in our local CMS.

    Than we will update the Buddpyress Wiki-Component, so it will work and the lastest realise of Buddypress. It will take around 2 – 4 Weeks. Hopefully the plugin will be out this year.

    Than we have to clean it up und write some dokumentation.

    But after launding

    we will realise a new Buddypress-Side. Sorry. Because of “money” this is more importend at the moment.

    The plugin is very powerful. But i don’t think it will work out of the box in every environment. You need to programm a bit of PHP to get it working for your needs.

    Ciao Tim



    We will not release it at the moment, because you can’t use it out of the box. But if you can programm in PHP then maybe it’s a good starting point for your project. I will discuss it in the next week.



    @Jeff: Hope that your Plugin will make it in the core. We need something like that in educational contexts.



    @Bpisimone Thank you.



    We have the same problem. I think, it’s a problems with the nice-names in the profil of WordPress MU. If the username (for example:timschmi) and the nice-name are the same, there is no problem. If the nice-name is different (for example:timschmidt) buddypress will link to timschmidt and not to timschmi. You can see it if you roll over the links.



    Link works now Thanks Mohit.



    Cool side. Best look with it.

    But i think there is too much advertisment on it.



    A have a question converning the “Who is online” feature. Can you also hide there, so you are online but it is not shown to the world?



    There is a new video about our project:

    Maybe you are interessted in that.

    You can embed it with:

    <embed src=”; type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”640″ height=”388″ allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true”></embed>

    Ciao Tim



    Wikis “appearing within Groups”.

    I think that integrating wikis into groups is not a good idea. You can have a blog without a group. And you can have a blog without a group. I think it’s the same problem.

    But it depends on your project.

    Please try: (If you are logged in) My Account -> Wiki -> Create a wiki

    Please use a privat wiki for testing.

    Ciao Tim




    our PmWiki-plugin is now working under:

    You can sign up and test it. Please use hidden wikis, if you are not interested in english linguistics.



    ELLOandfriends is a social networking platform for students of English linguistics based on Buddypress.



    > Will it use a wikifarm installation where the main installation is in /wiki/ and when a new wiki is created it will create an independent wiki in /wiki/examplewiki/ using the wiki-engine in /wiki/ or will it simply create a new group in the main wiki /wiki/?

    It will be for example (Link will not work)

    The engine will be the same for all the wikis. You can even those the skin for your wiki. But one cool feature is, that you can inherid material from the main wiki. The idee is: We have lots of course-material in one wiki. But you want to rearrange it useing the existing stuff in a subwiki. It is even possible to have something like.

    But we don’t have a user interface for that at the moment.

    > Will it use the user authorisation from the wpmu/bp-database or the built in system?

    The authorisation will be from the wpmu/bp-database. If you are a user of Buddypress, you can create new wikis, invite friends etc. It is based on the group plugin and will work in a simular way.

    > Will you need someone to test it? (I’m no programmer but i would love to help in anyway i can.)

    If you send me an E-Mail i can give you the access-data. If you wan’t to help, documentation und support will be importend. In a few weeks, i would love to see a video on showing the stuff.

    > Will it be available for download?

    Yes. If it works correct and documentations is done, you can download it. Everything should be GPL.


    Sorry for my english.



    A feature like that would be great.

    We are thinking about building a community for students in osnabrück. The plattform should be for students, but also from students. Giving as much power for the community as possible. But their could be problems like mobbing …



    We are building a worldwidy-community for students of englisch language and linguistics. A mayor part will be the integration of PmWiki. We have a first alpha-version running up now. I will not post the link for the next 2 weeks. But if someone writes a mail i can give the access.



    @James: Thank you for your comment. Did I get it right, that your wikis are only in the backend? We want wikis on the frontend like blogs or groups.

    @ostropunkt: PmWiki is really great. We have thought and discussed making group wikis? But our solution was, that wikis and groups are working in the same way.

    You have a list of all your wikis on your profil.

    You can have public and privat wikis.

    And you can invite your friends to your wiki.



    I have the same problem. Using the Online-widget both on the first side and on the blog.


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