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  • @tjbrewers


    @shanebp I’m working on using Aurigma Up on our private site for the change-avatar.php file. If you don’t mind me asking you:

    1. How did you handle ‘uploadUrl’ request? Did you send it to an upload file and process it there? Or did it bring it back to the change-avatar.php file?
    2. Then when you redirected it back to change-avatar, how did you get image processed?

    Thanks for your help. Once I get it working, I’ll writing it so everyone can see how to do it.



    Ah silly me. I should have specified iPad and iPhone from the get-go. Thanks @shanebp and @djpaul Paul. Really appreciate the help. :)



    Me either, Paul @djpaul. But it’s happening to all of our iPad and iPhone users. I’ve disabled all plugins (except BP) and same thing. They say say clicking on the upload button does nothing at all.



    This is probably a problem with my theme (BuddyBoss). Within the li class=”load-more”, it’s missing the span class=”ajax-loader”.

    Where is this loaded? That should give me some clues as to where to find the problem.




    I see that in plugins/buddypress/bp-friends/bp-friends-functions.php in function friends_accept_friendship( $friendship_id ), I can comment out friends_record_activity() on lines 91-98 and 100-107. But is there an easier way to do this so that I don’t have to touch the bp code directly (i.e. for updates)?



    @DJPaul, BuddyBoss theme. Site is



    @naijaping, That’s actually what I started with. It definitely limits the stream to ‘&per_page’, but then “Load More” button doesn’t reveal any additional items in the stream. It says: Viewing item 1 to 5 (of 37 items); so the content is there.

    Does your “Load More” button work? Does it load more on the same page? Are you pagnation with it?



    @abysshorror, tried that. Nothing happened.

    I then went directly into plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-template.php line 301 and changed ‘per_page’ default from 20 to 5, just to see what would happen. It shows 5 items in the stream with the Load More button. But when you click on the button, nothing else loads.



    Is there a setting I’m missing? Members should be able to compose a private message, since they are able to reply to them….right?


    Here’s the error message: “There was an error sending that message, please try again”



    Could this be a MU issue? I just upgraded the site to BP 1.5.4 (it was at 1.5.3).



    Thank you so much! That’s what I need.



    Removing define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true ); took care of it. Thanks for your help!



    @Paul So should I remove define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );



    @mercime Yes
    define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 4 );
    define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );



    Of course, silly me. Didn’t even look to see the widget there. Thanks Andrea!



    Great. Can’t wait for rev 1.3 then. Any idea when it might be released? For now, I’ll just disable blogs.



    Thank you!



    Looking at the document, does this mean I install BP on the main site and then through its internal settings, point it to my secondary site, i.e.

    I’m trying to make sure that users are still all synced (same users across the board) with one registration process, one account (to them at least), etc. At the main site, all I want them to be able to do is log in/out and comment. Secblog ( is where they’ll network, post on the forum, and update their profiles/settings. But the accounts have to stay synced between the sites.

    Is this possible? Just need some guidance for a BP and multisite newbie.
    Thanks, Tonya



    Never mind. I found my answer.

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