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  • @treblamah


    I have the same problem with BP 1.2. When activity streams are disabled, the individual group pages show an error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_activity_post_form_action() in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/activity/post-form.php on line 1

    Does anyone have a fix for this? Or am I the only one having it with bp 1.2 and WP 2.9.2?



    I figured my problem out. The front-end editor plugin, when the edit site name and description functions are activated (which they are by default), the header is duplicated, which loaded the crop js twice. Disable that or switch to inline editor and everything is fine.



    I was wondering if you’ve seen a problem with 1.1 duplicating the jcrop-holder div. Basically it shows two crop panels and one preview panel when uploading any avatar. Running a clean install of mu 2.8.4 and BP 1.1.

    Click here for a Screenshot

    This also happens with the new default theme.

    Any pointers would be appreciated!! Thank you.



    Yeah, it took me a while to get it the way I wanted it on my site too. Good luck.



    This should help:

    I had to separate the fields by group to pull only one field at a time that preserved the formatting. The other ways I found to pull individual field data produced text without line breaks.



    Thanks. I ended up just switching the Group ID on the field I wanted to separate and called that profile group where I wanted the field to appear. I reproduced the profile loop in the index.php file for the user profile twice, once calling group 1 and the other, group 3.

    <?php if ( bp_has_profile('profile_group_id=3') ) : ?>



    What about formatting the data that comes out of this? I get the text from the field, but it’s full of slashes.



    Got the upgrade link 10 hrs after it became available in the plugins admin.

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