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  • @uscore713


    @6logics – Thanks! This is exactly what I needed to effect the use of BuddyPress email templates with Postman SMTP.

    It’s a shame the core code has to be modified, but until some sort of filter can be provided (eg, “bp_email_force_use_of_templates”), this seems to be our only recourse. Perhaps something along the lines of:

    $must_use_wpmail = apply_filters( 'bp_email_use_wp_mail', $wp_html_emails || ! $is_default_wpmail );
    	if ( $must_use_wpmail ) {
    		$to = $email->get( 'to' );
    		$use_template = $wp_html_emails && 
    		return wp_mail(
    			array_shift( $to )->get_address(),
    			$email->get( 'subject', 'replace-tokens' ),
    			apply_filters( 'bp_email_force_use_of_templates', false ) ?
    				$email->get_template( 'add-content' ) :
    				$email->get( 'content_plaintext', 'replace-tokens' )



    @danbp, you are a scholar and a gentleman. Thanks for taking the time for all of this. Hopefully this exchange will enlighten future visitors as it has for me.



    Thanks for the background info about WP, @danbp. It certainly is interesting to see how the little old single-user blog platform called “WordPress” has mushroomed into the gargantuan that it is today, following the old adage, “Man expands to fill the available space.”

    Obviously I’m a bit of a noobie to WordPress (I’ll admit, so feel free to flame away ;)), but I’d like to ask about your reference to the clause “When BP is activated, and if you use the xprofile component…” I am a bit confused about “the xprofile component” and was wondering if you can help me understand it a bit better.

    Is “xprofile component” the feature exposed in “Settings > BuddyPress” named “Extended Profiles” (at the very top of the config page)? (It probably is, but I just want to be sure, thanks.)

    I am fully cognizant of the fact that one can preclude access to the WP Dashboard in a number ways, including by Role, etc., and I plan to do that. However, that causes me to provide exposure to the standard WP Profile fields (or as many of thsoe fields that I want to expose, that is) so that the user can modify them. This includes the critical email and password fields.

    Relating to this situation, you didn’t quite address my key question as to whether it is possible (without serious WP core hacking — something I would NEVER do, btw) to effect the change of either the email or password fields?

    Now listen, I realize that probably sounds like a shameless noobie question, but it really begs the question of whether modifying the email/password fields outside of the WP dashboard is considered “bad form” in some way.

    Thanks in advance for your advice and insights.



    I understand exactly what @jagarolik is looking for, and I find myself in that same position.

    , you made the point about “The 3 mandatory field (username, email and password) belonging exclusively to WP.”

    This is probably a bit of a noobie question, but is it possible for a plugin to expose the changing of the email and/or password on the front-end and be able to change it on the back-end?

    I’m looking for the best way to restrict a user from accessing any part of the wp-admin arena, inluding the user’s stock WP profile page. Am I dreaming here, or is this possible?

    I am about to dive into the Profile Builder plugin to see if I can get it to do what I want, but I’d like to save that time if nothing will come of it, etc.



    @trecks — What plugin did you use “that sets the status of new accounts to pending and requires an admin to approve their account before the registrant can log in.” ?

    You also mention you “found a fix” for your other problem. Care to share what you found?


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