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Vaughn Berkeley, MBA

About Me

Vaughn’s a person of passion for helping others. From his days as president of the university student association where he created a multimillion dollar perpetual student bursary system and his creation of the student led university equity conference, Vaughn’s work is helping empower others. Vaughn’s currently co-publisher of Canada’s only magazine for the vegan and raw-vegan community which promotes a cruelty free diet and lifestyle. He’s also president and CEO of CM Berkeley Media Group, the branding, digital media, web design, and book publishing division of his organization. Vaughn’s life work or purpose is bringing people together to share knowledge and experiences, and thus create a better life. Due to Vaughn’s commitments across his various businesses, Vaughn only permits time to consult with a handful of businesses (the ones he likes).

Website URL

Current Location

Toronto Canada

WordPress Origin Story

I’ve been involved with computers since the mid 1980’s. Started with the BASIC programming, and over the years worked with PASCAL, C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, and html. Back in 2008/09, I was totally against wordpress as a new fad that wasn’t worth my time. I was already an html web designer and didn’t see the need to change. Then I signed up for a 30-day wordpress challenge and it changed my perspective. After that, I’ve been hooked on wordpress. Love the ease and speed of development and implementation.



CM Berkeley Media Group

Job Title

President & CEO


Microfinance, publishing, digital media, education, online learning, distance education, business branding, urban gardening, digital photography

WordPress Usage

Personal, Business

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