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  • @vivekmathur1969


    Hi, I’m getting the same database error and it seems linked to Mycred, as Neo also flagged above.

    Here is the full error:

    [15-Jun-2021 13:35:49 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: BP_Members_Component::$table_name_invitations in /home/customer/www/ on line 53
    [15-Jun-2021 13:35:49 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘dbosafnzuzggps.i’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT DISTINCT FROM i WHERE class IN (‘bp_members_invitation_manager’) AND type = ‘invite’ AND invite_sent = 1 AND accepted = 0 made by require_once(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), do_action(‘init’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, myCRED_Core->init, do_action(‘mycred_init’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, myCRED_Hooks_Module->module_init, myCRED_Hooks_Module->call, myCRED_Hook_Affiliate->run, apply_filters(‘bp_core_signup_send_activation_key’), WP_Hook->apply_filters, bp_members_invitations_cancel_activation_email, bp_members_invitations_get_invites, BP_Invitation_Manager->get_invitations, BP_Invitation::get

    Any suggestions how to fix this, please?

    thanks very much,



    Hi @modemlooper @5high

    Thanks for this snippet to auto add users, and for confirming it works.

    Unfortunately – it did not work for me. Pasted the snippet into bp-custom.php but..nothing.

    I am on BP 5.1.2 – could it be an issue with the new versions? I also tried with the user_register hook as suggested by @coreyff but that too didnt work.

    Am i missing anything to be done apart from copying the snippet EXACTLY as done above (eg group IDs to be set etc?)

    thanks for your suggestions. Vivek



    thanks,Varun. Would you also know if Godaddy Managed hosting is good for Buddy Press or it will have troubles as mentined in the codex?



    Hi, I’m even newbier (?) than @cvtbrian in that I’m just starting up with a brand new community (ie zero traffic), and plan to use Buddypress + Woocommerce, plus maybe 20-25 other plugins. I was planning to sign up for Managed WordPress hosting by Godaddy, but then i read in the BP codex/ getting started that “WordPress should be installed manually i.e. via FTP, cpanel, etc. and NOT via webhost scripts (fantastico, softalicious, etc.)which bring about numerous issues when BuddyPress is activated” – and apparently teh managed hosting doesnt allow that, so the Godaddy rep told me then i need to look at Linux hosting.
    Has anyone tried BP with Godaddy Managed hosting, and would it be okay to start with shared hosting considering traffic will be very low initially (but BP+WC+plugins would need to work reasonably fast)?
    If i take shared hosting now, will it be easy to move to VPS later as traffic increases?
    thanks a ton for any inputs!

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