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  • @vonwolfehaus


    Thanks for the help, but the snippet I put above works great. I added some other conditionals (and replaced user_id with `bp_loggedin_user_id()` of course) and now it’s working across the site perfectly, giving me complete control over how groups are listed in every situation… except the querystring seems to change randomly (today it just dropped the `type=active&action=active` part altogether). Hopefully it’ll stay put now. Anyway, thanks again.



    I totally agree with this. I couldn’t find the place where to reset default notification settings, so I’m bumping this in the hopes that someone would know this.



    Alright, brute forced it. I just echo’d the query’s result and copied it into a conditional like this:
    //do loop for “my groups”

    //do my own thing for “all groups”

    Yet another case where I should just display the raw output and work from there. Tried to be “proper”. Proper fails :(



    Thanks, but I have been staring at that code for a couple hours and I cannot decipher it–I don’t know very much about PHP. What exactly do I need to do to that function? How do I get the string I need in groups-loop.php to distinguish between the two group tabs? It returns a very complex value that I don’t even know how to access.



    I need to solve this issue! Help please!

    I need to know how this line “ figures out if the user is looking at the “all groups” or “my groups” tab. I need to display different content based on this query: the “all groups” tab will display a static list of some groups, while the “my groups” tab will display only hidden groups that the user is a member of. But nowhere in the loop does it distinguish between the two tabs.

    Any ideas?



    Sorry for necrothreading, but I’m trying to REMOVE and ALTER tabs already there in the group header. For example, I want to change “Home” to “Activity” and remove “Send Invites” altogether. I’ve been searching through files forever… help?

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