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  • @websitevala


    Hello Mercime!
    I apologize for the miss of information WP version is 3.2.1. I have not upgraded to the most recent version because NONE of my plugins are compatible with that version yet. This seems to be a recent issue, either that or no one has noticed it before.
    BP version 1.5.5
    bbPress 2.0.2
    BuddyPress Activity Plus 1.4

    not upgrade any plugin

    I am using the default theme My site is visited by hundred of users and I’m scared to switch the theme when others can see it switching back and forth. Also, I’m scared of switching it and not being able to get it back…..

    and i also change permalink.php u describe in this thread but no result !!
    any idea ?????

    thanks again for responding!!!!

    what should i do next ?????



    hello, there
    i also face same problem and i follow your method but can’t success !!!
    i also deactivate and reactivate plugin of buddypress

    what i do next ???????



    can anybody solve this problem or help it what i do ?



    hi all,
    i have facing same problem on my site too
    i have WP 3.3.2, BP 1.5.5, BB press 2.0.2, bp-default theme,Single WP and cpanel VPS server
    and also using plugin like BP chat, BuddyPress Activity Plus
    and i tried all things to solve this issue but yet not get result
    i tried to re-install theme and BP plugin but can’t get result
    can anyone solve this problem
    Please help…..ASAP



    thanks hugo
    i should contact my host tech support
    and tell me how to protect my site from hacker ?
    please tell me i know this is silly question but now i want to protect my site
    thanks for help advance



    Thanks for fast reply
    yes i post on wp forum also
    and i also change wp admin detail and all other related with admin detail i changes all of
    but no result
    now what i do for resolve this ?



    Hey roger Thanks buddy for help
    but tell where i found this code ?
    wp_new_user_notification() ?
    i search everywhere but i can’t found please tell me
    and tell me it create a problem with theme or plugin ?
    Reply me ASAP



    thanks roger
    i understand that
    thanks again



    Thanks for fast reply
    It’s works !!
    Thanks a lot imath and roger



    hi thanks for fast reply
    i don’t understand you said
    did you understand my question ?
    i want extra text field in registration page ( create account page ) e.g. mobile number text field
    let me clear again what i want
    when i register on site there are four option display
    Account Details :
    1.Username address
    3. choose password
    4. confirm password
    Profile details :
    1. Name
    there are text field already available ok
    i want more text field in Account Detail or Profile Details

    how can i add custom text field in Registration form ?

    and second is i want username is his/her email address
    when user login enter his/her username is email address
    how can i do this ?
    Thanks Again



    and also i want to user(member) sidebar
    it is so much confusion about that
    i want one sidebar for every user(member) to see news and events
    i use widget for news and events and that widget use in user(member) sidebar

    i use bp-sidebar plugin for my requirement
    in widget area i see sidebar home, activity, member, groups, blog
    but when i use text or any widget in that sidebar it can’t show
    why this happening ?
    i attached screen shot

    Mod edit// links to imageshack removed due to popups and redirects to a fake virus detected ad page.
    please find a reputable service if you wish to post images or ensure they are a suitable size and embed them in the post

    tell me what i do for sidebar for member only



    and tell me how to disable footer link on homepage ?



    Thanks a lot man
    it’s work thanks again



    i want sidebar for member only is there any option available for member sidebar ?



    i added code in sidebar.php is like <?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')
    || !dynamic_sidebar(‘Sitewide Sidebar’) ) : ?>

    php /* GROUP SIDEBAR */ if(bp_is_group()){
    if(!dynamic_sidebar(“Group Sidebar”)){?>

    <?php /* PROFILE SIDEBAR */ }}
    else if(bp_is_member()){
    if(!dynamic_sidebar(“Profile Sidebar”)){ //if user profile etc

    <?php /* Forum Sidebar */ }}
    else if(BP_FORUMS_SLUG == bp_current_component() && bp_is_directory()){
    if(!dynamic_sidebar(“Forum Sidebar”)){ //if user profile etc

    <?php /* SIDEBAR */ } }
    else dynamic_sidebar( ‘Activity/Blog Sidebar’ )
    so what my mistake ?



    1/ yes
    2/ yes
    sidebars is show in left or right
    i use bp-sidebar plugin but it can’t show on member profile page
    and i also edit function.php file and add sidebar and also edit sidebar.php but when i use text widget in it but it can’t appear
    i want actually a classified ad for member in sidebar left or right it show member’s only not homepage or main page
    and i also use classified and Widgets for WPMUDev Classifieds plugin widget for classified ad
    what can i do for that ?



    is there any sidebar for member’s only ? which i can put text widget in ?
    or is there any plugin available for member’s sidebar ?



    a widget for member a admin to post some content and see all member’s profile page i use one theme but in that theme i use text widget and it saw on directly on home page i don’t want that i want when member login after that see
    so is there available plugin or widget for all member to see latest news or something else



    at top bar notification tab i see error is = bp-members/bp-member-notifications.php on line 76



    when i disable buddypress plugin then it’s ok site working is perfectly but when i reactivate buddypress it saw same error and i switch default theme of buddypress that time also i have problem



    i also try another theme but no anything new or solve error the error will be display on top bar in notification tab and that error cause so much trouble and i can’t do anything in my theme or widget area



    when i login in site at top bar i saw that error it saw bp-members-notifications.php on line 76
    i used latest version of buddypress and also use buddypress activity plus and in wordpress version 3.3.2 and wordpress theme is huddle but i can’t understand that error i also modify that file also but still sawing problem and that wise i can’t handle the theme file widget i can’t access the any widget to modify or change it so anyone who help me ???

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