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  • @wenetwork


    Sorry that I have to ask this again. Are the URL Slugs currentyl work in progress? Before I go live I would really like to adjust the URL Slug path with sub nav to german language and I am not sure how to handle this even though you posted some links on this topic.



    Hi there,

    I know and I love the idea of flexibility. I already adjusted it to my needs. It was just a thought I had (I came across). I wanted to share this thought with all, since BuddyPress looks very professional by now 🙂



    oh boy, I didn’t see that little anchor inlined with all the other options. Have to check my eyes 🙂 Thank you. Solved! Good way to save space that way. Thank you for your kind reply.



    thanl you, but I am having problems following those solutions. Are Slugs still work in progress? Are they going to be implemented on WP backend? How can I change those strings? Are they split across multiple files? I would like to set up BuddyPress for german customers, therefore I would like to rename the URL path once, using german language strings in URL.

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