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[Resolved] Profile Page Forum bbPress answer

  • wenetwork


    Hey there,

    within my Buddypress Profile page I can navigate to all asnwers I made on bbPress and it will show a list of all my answers. This is very nice, but there is no link to bbPress Forum topic to see in which context I posted that answer and to see follow up answers or even see the creator post. Therefore each list item could be extended by heading the forum topic and link to anchor of my answer.

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  • @mercime


    The permalink to the original topic is contained in the post date just like you see under your username above. Saves space. If you are not seeing that in your theme, change to Twenty Fourteen and check if it’s working there.



    oh boy, I didn’t see that little anchor inlined with all the other options. Have to check my eyes 🙂 Thank you. Solved! Good way to save space that way. Thank you for your kind reply.

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